J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3: 510-516
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.35058 Published Online May 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Derrick Black1, Elizabeth Hull1, Ken Jackson2
1School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Ulster, N Ireland, UK; 2IBM Ltd., England, UK.
Email: mec.hull@ulster.ac.uk
Received October 26th, 2009; revised January 30th, 2010; accepted January 31st, 2010.
A safety document management system, in a domain such as the power industry, is known as a Permit for Work (PFW)
solution. It is based on the issues prevalent in an environment and on the methods available to eliminate potential safety
issues. This paper considers how a PFW system should be implemented. It does so by identifying an appropriate case
study from a domain not usually associated with PFW systems, and applying a suitable process, +PFW.
Keywords: Safety, Permit for Work, Systems Engineering, Health and Safety, Process, Modeling, Framework
1. Introduction
For many years, process industries in the UK such as the
mining and power generation industry have had govern-
ment legislation applied to them which included the re-
quirement to utilise a Permit for Work (PFW) system [1].
This has resulted in these industries developing a thor-
ough understanding and competency in the implementa-
tion and operation of a safety document management
system based on domain knowledge and operational ex-
perience. Research in requirements engineering [2,3] has
recognized the need to ensure that systems are developed
with safety considered as an integral part of requirements
elicitation. Furthermore, it is generally understood that
all stakeholders involved in the requirements process are
fully conversant with the consequences of their decisions
and the potential impact on the domain [4].
The introduction of the UK Health and Safety at Work
Act [5-7] has widened this, and placed a requirement to
operate a PFW system on all sectors of society where risks
exist that cannot be eliminated or minimised sufficiently.
Unfortunately these new sectors do not have the same
experience or competency of safe systems. Thus the po-
tential exists for this lack of operational knowledge to
cause difficulties when a PFW system is introduced.
When less experienced industry sectors start to introduce
PFW systems (in response to risk assessments) it is im-
portant that they are implemented correctly and that the
operational procedures applied to them are appropriate.
The deficiency of user experience in these sectors may
compound any problems and this is an area of concern.
This paper builds on work previously presented by the
authors concerning the management of safety. First of all
a Safety Framework [1,8] has been established. This al-
lows a series of views to be identified that are relevant to
safety in systems. These views convey different per-
spectives of the architecture including issues such as roles
and organizational hierarchies, as well as rules and regu-
lations. Hence a series of high level views can be estab-
lished that may be applied to a system with safety as a core
consideration. Secondly, a process +PFW [1,8], has been
presented which ensures that a user will be in a position to
utilise a PFW system without compromising safety. It is
important to understand the Safety Framework and the
process +PFW to fully appreciate the following sections
of this paper.
This paper identifies a suitable candidate as a case study
to use a PFW system. Intentionally, the domain chosen is
outside the industries normally associated with PFW
systems. This is described in Section 2. Having identified
a suitable nominee as a case study, the paper considers the
rationale for implementing a PFW system. Section 3 re-
counts the experiences of the identified user in imple-
menting a PFW system in their environment. The evident
shortcomings are presented and areas of concern still
evident after implementation are highlighted. Section 4
then examines the application of the +PFW process to the
implementation of a PFW system in an effort to eliminate
the outstanding issues and provide an operational system
designed to enhance the safety of users in the environ-
2. Identification of a Suitable Candidate
The need to use a PFW solution is based on the risks
prevalent in an environment and on the methods available
to eliminate these potential issues. The requirement to
manage part of the safety process using a specialist system
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
such as a PFW solution is not an isolated decision. It
consists of a series of considered assessments leading
ultimately to a decision on whether an organisation needs
to employ such a solution. Initially the concern is with the
tasks performed. If all risks and hazards can be identified,
managed and eliminated, or reduced to an acceptable level
then there is no requirement for a PFW solution. However,
if the risks cannot be managed successfully then a PFW is
required. This concept is shown in Figure 1.
As an example, consider the domain of an academic
institution. A university’s goal is to develop a seat of
learning for its students that is supported by world re-
nowned research, innovation and teaching. However, to
achieve this task the required infrastructure must be in
place to support this objective. This infrastructure in-
cludes the provision of suitably equipped teaching and
research facilities as well as accommodation and social
provision for academics, students and support staff. All of
these facilities need to be maintained and enhanced and it
is here that many of the risks and hazards associated with
this environment are present.
In providing the required facilities universities use high
voltage equipment, heating and steam generating plant as
well as scientific ancillaries such as fume extraction
equipment. All of these items have associated risks and
hazards such as electrocution, scalds, asphyxiation and
toxicity. Many of these risks cannot be eliminated or
reduced successfully and as a result a PFW is required for
the maintenance environment of a university. Even though
these items of equipment are commonplace across the
university sector few if any universities have PFW sys-
tems in place and even fewer operate them successfully.
Given the limited experience of using a PFW system in
this sector, a university environment would appear to be
ideally suited as a case study. A University in the UK was
therefore chosen.
3. Initial Implementation of a PFW System
Having identified the need for a PFW solution based on a
series of risk assessments and method statements, the
University decided an appropriate solution would be to
use a computerised PFW system. A tender exercise was
carried out to source the most suitable solution. The result
of this exercise was the procurement of the world leading
computerised software system known as Eclipse. This
product was development in the Power Generation In-
dustry and is the standard system implemented in the
majority of existing UK Power Stations. It has also been
implemented in new power stations world-wide. The
chosen system was installed with a minimal set of data at
the request of the University.
The supplier carried out a series of training sessions on
the operation of the system. This training was focused
exclusively on the key presses required to deliver the
required output rather than any concept of the operation of
a PFW system. The result of the installation and training
was the availability of a fully functionally PFW. How-
ever, because of the lack of data and understanding of the
operational concepts of the system by the users, the in-
stalled system lay unused for eighteen months, with no
safety documents being issued. The supplier returned to
the University on a number of occasions to ascertain if
they could be of assistance in implementing the full op-
eration of the system but to no avail. No operational pro-
cedures existed and the data required for day to day op-
erations, such as an asset list and the identification of the
participants, were never established. Thus a system
deemed necessary to fulfill health and safety obligations
remained unused.
3.1 Issues with the Initial Implementation
The initial installation was performed to facilitate the
requirement to provide a safety document management
system. Identification of this need was made following a
risk assessment exercise carried out by the Estates Di-
rectorate in the University. The assessment looked at
some of the key activities performed by this department
and concluded that a safety document management sys-
tem was required. However, the group tasked with this
initial assessment programme was made up of several
members of staff some of whom had limited or no ex-
perience of PFW systems or had widely differing inter-
pretations of the operational procedures required. These
differences were left unresolved and the resultant system
installation had no agreed operational process in place.
Despite the fact that no cohesive operational procedures
had been developed and the data required to populate
system tables had not be developed, nor agreed, the sys-
tem was installed and training was undertaken. A number
of issues remained to be resolved. These included:
Individuals responsible for the operation of the sys-
tem remained unidentified
Management roles had not been established
Users roles had not been identification
No data was available to populate the system tables
The areas to be addressed by the PFW system re-
mained unidentified
Establishment of operational procedures remained to
be undertaken.
4. Using +PFW to Implement a Solution
As the University recognized that the most suitable solu-
tion available had been chosen, it was agreed that the
problem lay not with the computerised solution but with
the process applied to implement the system.
To facilitate the implementation and operation of the
PFW system the process +PFW [9] was introduced to the
University staff and its concept explained. Following
detailed discussions it was agreed that +PFW should be
used in the second attempt to implement the safety docu-
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
ment management system. A group was identified and tas-
ked with fully implementing the PFW system.
The three key stages of +PFW are as follows:
1) Establishment of a maintenance list
2) Development of an equipment list based on the
context of the maintenance list
3) Establishment of specified roles
The Safety Framework [10] facilitates the way in which
the stages of the process can be realized. The framework
identifies three potential groups of views:
Operational Group, OG
Safety Regulation Group, SG
Requirements Group, RG
And proposes a way in which each can be imple-
4.1 Creating the Maintenance List
+PFW was developed to be used in a standalone envi-
ronment were the requirements phase had been completed
and a PFW was deemed necessary, but the implementa-
tion and operational procedures had not yet been discov-
ered. The University scenario described previously is a
perfect example of this situation since the requirement
elicitation process had resulted in the installation of the
PFW system but the implementation of the solution was
the cause of concern. Figure 2 shows the Maintenance
List stages in +PFW.
This maintenance list defines those items of plant and
equipment that require the issue of a safety document
when repair tasks are being undertaken. The process
suggests that use of the Safety Framework [8] is needed to
achieve the correct maintenance list. Cognition must be
made of the principles of operation of the system, the
organisational roles in place, any existing safety rules
utilised as well as identifying the intention behind any
decisions made. Any maintenance list must be developed
in the context set by these requirements. Thus the first task
was to identify the objectives of the PFW system.
The University had decided that the PFW system was to
Figure 1. Decision process involved in introducing a PFW
be used to protect individual’s safety rather than plant
safety and that initially it was to be operated by the Estates
Department in conjunction with its internal staff and ex-
ternal contractors. This objective clearly removed ele-
ments of equipment not maintained by this group of staff
and as such excluded research equipment from consid-
eration. Although risks may still be evident for these items
of equipment their omission from the PFW system is
justified on the basis that the initial implementation was
for a particular group of staff.
Limiting the operation of the system to Estates staff and
external contractors employed to perform maintenance
activities for this group was another element that placed
the operation of the system in an agreed context. Since the
system’s operation was limited to this group only the
organisational hierarchy within the Estate’s department
needed to be considered in terms of who would be in-
Identify Maintenance
Maintenance List Req
Identify Need for list and establish its content
Compare and contrast completeness with context
Identify Context
Figure 2. Maintenance list stages of +PFW
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
volved in the operation of the solution. Therefore only the
identified roles within this structure had an input to the
development of the maintenance list thereby restricting
the number of potential stakeholders.
Before the maintenance list was developed, the ration-
ale for including items of equipment and plant needed to
be understood. The University decided the most appro-
priate method for this was to group items of plant and
equipment and then decide if they were to be included in
the maintenance list. An examination was undertaken
using risk assessments of the tasks to be undertaken to
ensure that the list was complete. The outcome was that a
Maintenance List specific to the requirements of the
University was created that could be justified in terms of
its context, its completeness and the reasoning behind
those elements included and those omitted. This first draft
of the maintenance list was approved for use. It is con-
sidered dynamic and will be reviewed on a regular basis.
The decision on which type of equipment to included
was influenced by the domain knowledge and experience
of the Estate’s Department staff and the current legisla-
4.2 Establishing the Equipment List
The second element of +PFW concentrates on the estab-
lishment of the Equipment List and is shown in Figure 3.
This is based on the maintenance list using the same
The equipment list is used to identify all potential
sources of energy that may cause an item of equipment to
operate, or any potentially hazardous materials stored in
the equipment or plant used by the University. Elements
such as high voltage supplies, steam and high pressure
water, as well as flammable and hazardous materials etc
were all identified as potential sources of supply.
The equipment list is a dynamic document needing
continual review to ensure that modifications to the plant
and equipment and the overall electro-mechanical system
are included as appropriate. Changes to potential sources
of energy need to be updated to ensure an up to date,
accurate list is maintained. In addition the equipment list
needs to be reviewed in association with the agreed
maintenance list to reflect changes, additions and dele-
tions of items from this list. The University recognised
this requirement and has established a procedure to ac-
tively review the contents of both the maintenance and
equipment lists as well as auditing the overall operation of
the system.
4.3 Identification of the PFW Roles
+PFW identifies the requirement to establish the roles and
responsibilities associated with the implementation and
operation of a PFW system as shown in Figure 4.
To operate a PFW successfully the roles to be per-
formed by users must be clearly and unambiguously
identified. The first of these roles was identified as the
individuals charged with assessing the task to be under-
taken to determine if a safety document is to be issued.
Although the maintenance list identifies the equipment to
be included that does not mean that in every instance work
is performed on these items; a safety document is required.
However, not all safety documents perform the same task.
Although they are similar in format two distinct safety
document types were identified by the University as being
relevant to their procedures. These documents are referred
to as the Permit and the Limited Work Certificate
(LWC). Both documents state the work to be undertaken
and the precautions applied to achieve safety. Where they
differ is in the isolation applied to the equipment. In the
case of the Permit the equipment is isolated completely
from the potential sources of energy while for the LWC
safety is achieved by limiting either the work to be un-
dertaken or the area in which the task is to be carried out.
For example working on a high voltage busbar would
require a Permit while brushing the floor in front of the
high voltage switch gear would require a LWC, because
the work is in a dangerous area but no contact is possible
with the live conductors.
Equipment List
Equipment List
Identify Potential
Identify Need for list and establish its content
Compare and contrast completeness with potential
Figure 3. Equipment list stages of +PFW
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Identify Roles
Identify Operation of
Establish Roles
Identify need for roles and establish criteria
Establish completeness between
responsibilities and operation of
Figure 4. Roles and responsibilities associated with a PFW system
The creation of the safety document requires an indi-
vidual skilled in the application of the PFW system as well
as individuals with detailed knowledge and experience of
the domain. This role must identify any precautions and
isolation points to be applied to ensure safety. Although
the equipment list identifies the isolation to be applied to a
particular equipment item it is unwise to rely on this list
completely, as there may be occasions when the isolation
suggested may be inappropriate or unavailable.
Once a safety document is issued there is clearly a role
to be played in the performance of the repair task, but
equally a role needs to exist to ensure that the require-
ments of the PFW system are not breached.
Finally, a role was established that is only applicable in
a very specific set of circumstances. The University pro-
posed to use a ‘Hot Work Certificate’ in association with a
safety document where the use of cutting or burning
equipment is required in the repair task. Although this is
common in the operation of PFW systems, it differs in that
normally PFWs are issued in process industries that op-
erate 24 hrs per day while the University’s Estates de-
partment operates 9 to 5 daily. There is a risk that heated
material may spontaneously combust. To prevent this, a
safety document may stipulate a required time to under-
take a ‘Fire Watch’ whereby someone is charged with
remaining in situ for a period after the work has been
completed. To ensure this has occurred, it is advisable for
a nominated individual to visit the site of the repair when
the safety document is returned as completed (after the
fire watch). Since no maintenance engineering staff are
likely to be present after hours the task has been delegated
to the security staff and as such this is an identified role in
the PFW operation.
4.3.1 Naming and Assignment of Identified Roles
+PFW indicates that PFW roles should be established in
association with the operational roles and organisational
structure prevalent in the domain as well as using the
interaction between these elements. In the University
scenario referencing these aspects led to the decision that
three roles would be utilised in the operation of the PFW
system. One of the roles would be performed by the Es-
tates Engineering and Project Managers and assistants, the
second would be performed by competent maintenance
staff and external contractor’s staff while the third would
be performed by the security staff as previously described.
The first role was named as an Authorised Person. This
role was assigned the responsibility to issue a safety
document (and its cancellation on completion of the task)
and the decision to isolate equipment (and to de-isolate).
The second role was named as a Competent Person.
The term ‘Competent Person’ is unlike the conventional
definition of competent. To be considered a Competent
Person in the PFW system a user needs to be competent in
their own discipline, for example only qualified electri-
cians can work at electrical installations, as well as being
assessed competent in the use of the PFW system.
A Competent Person, using the University’s definition,
means an individual charged with supervising and/or
undertaking the work required to complete the repair task
while being responsible for requesting a safety document,
receiving it when it is issued, ensuring general safety is
maintained at the work site and returning the safety
document on completion of the task.
The Security role has been discussed previously and the
responsibility is to receive a completed safety document
when it is returned out of hours, visit the site of a repair
that has had a Hot Work Certificate issued on it and to
return any safety documents to the Authorised Person.
The University identified an additional role that was
considered important, although plays no part in the actual
operation of the system, staff, students and contractors
who are not involved in the repair task indicated by a
safety document need to comply with the terms of the
safety document, in terms of the access to a restricted area
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
etc. This role is not commonly included in the roles as-
signed in a PFW system but the University felt that it was
appropriate to include this role so that no individual was
overlooked when training was being undertaken. Plans are
currently being drawn up to include this in the induction
progress for contractors, new staff and students.
4.3.2 Documenting the Assumptions
The final stage of +PFW deals with the assumptions,
methods of isolation and the operational rules relevant to
the implementation and operation of PFW system and is
shown in Figure 5.
The majority of assumptions made in implementing a
PFW system are made at the maintenance list creation
stage but these decisions need to be recorded to allow
traceability on all decisions taken. They should also be
tested to ensure that they are relevant to the domain. The
assumptions made in this case study were that only
equipment maintained by the Estates Department of the
University would be included. All other plant and
equipment even if it was on the University estate would be
excluded. However, this raised a question with regard to
what happened to the equipment when it was handed to an
external contractor as part of a major refurbishment/re-
placement process. The outcome of deliberations on this
point lead to the assumption that the equipment would be
temporarily removed from the PFW system until the re-
furbishment had been completed.
The equipment list identified earlier detailed the isola
tion applicable to each equipment or plant item but did not
consider how this was to be achieved. Two possible sce-
narios are common in the operation of PFW system. One
relies on the understanding of the stakeholders in the
domain. In this instance the isolation is applied by closing
valves, opening electrical switches and opening drain and
vent valves on the item. Notices are then placed on the
isolation points stating their use on a safety document
system. The second option applies the same methodology
to the isolation points, but in this instance locks are ap-
plied to the devices and the keys that from these locks are
placed in a safe which is controlled by the safety docu-
ment. Either method is suitable provided all the stake-
holders involved understand the principles. Although the
University believed that the second option might be more
secure it has opted for the first since it is an easier method
to implement and operate.
The final element of the process suggests that a set of
operational rules are required. These will be developed in
due course. The University felt that it was more appro-
priate to develop these rules following a period of opera-
tion so that the user community had gained a sound ap-
preciation of the system and its nuances before commit-
ting to the operational rules.
4.3.3 Evaluation of the Implementation Process
Using +PFW highlighted a significant number of areas
that had not been sufficiently addressed during the initial
implementation procedure. They included the need to
establish a full and comprehensive maintenance list based
on the agreed groups of equipment to be included in the
system operation. Hence +PFW delivered a positive im-
pact almost immediately and this carried on throughout
the implementation process.
Having identified the maintenance list, the requirement
for an equipment list was clearly evident since knowing
the equipment to be worked on as part of the system was
Figure 5. Identifying the assumptions, methods of isolation and operational rules
Perform Risk Assessment Define Assumptions
Provide risk assessment of equip-
ment based on defined assumptions
Record Source and Isolation
Define Method of Isolation
Define isolation method procedures
and operation
Develop Rules for Operation
Define Context for Operation
Identify the operational rules
for the system and document
these rules
Experience in Using a PFW System – A Case Study
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
only part of the issue. The normal or potential sources of
energy to each of these items was obviously required if the
equipment was to be rendered safe for the repair tasks.
The identification of the roles involved in the PFW
system was a much more contentious issue for the Uni-
versity. The need to establish the roles was not the issue,
however the roles to be performed and the method of
operation for the roles caused major differences of opinion
between all the stakeholders. Part of the problem in this
area was that several stakeholders had experience of PFW
system gained in different environments. Each of these
stakeholders had slightly differing views of what the
correct procedures to employ should be and where the
responsibility for the operations of the various elements
resided. To facilitate the establishment of the roles and
responsibilities the University sought advice from the
supplier of the Eclipse product and other experienced
PFW system users. This did not quite achieve the desired
result since the supplier is heavily involved in the Power
Generation domain and had what were considered strict
interpretations of the requirements for the roles in the
system while some of the other users consulted were more
lax in their definitions. A compromise was eventually
reached that combined the major roles suggested by some
stakeholders and validated by the supplier with some
more lenient aspects suggested by other stakeholders. The
outcome has proved to be very satisfactory for the Uni-
versity. It has clearly established the key roles while ad-
dressing specific issues such as the fire watch scenario.
+PFW indicated that the desired outcome required
documentation to enable users to operate the PFW system
effectively. This has been achieved with the University
now in possession of Safety Procedure Document. It
provides a clear overview of the operational procedure to
be applied while identifying the roles and responsibilities
required to effectively operate the system. It establishes
the concept behind the maintenance and equipment lists
At present no formal training has been undertaken in
the concept of PFW systems. However, a contract has
been prepared for issue to a Health and Safety company to
provide the required training for all levels of staff in their
identified roles. Additionally a request has been made to
each contractor requesting the nomination of suitably
qualified individuals to be trained as ‘Competent Persons’
within the PFW system.
5. Conclusions
This paper has described how, following an initial attempt
at implementing a system, +PFW was utilised. The
process highlighted the elements that needed to be estab-
lished and validated for the implementation to be consid-
ered a success. Having reached an impasse after the first
attempt to implement the system the University was
sceptical that any progress could be made but +PFW
clearly removed these doubts and an effective PFW sys-
tem is now in operation. It has allowed the University to
develop the information necessary to fully implement and
operate a PFW system.
The initial implementation procedure resulted in a
number of key elements being missed with the conse-
quence that a poorly installed system, which could not be
operated by the University, was provided. The imple-
mentation did not fulfil the University’s identified re-
quirement to protect the safety of individuals working on
equipment when outstanding risks existed. By following
the process, these missing elements were identified and
provided the University with the skills necessary to es-
tablish the required outcomes in each area. These ele-
ments included the need to:
Identify key individuals in the operation of the sys-
Establish pivotal managerial roles
Provide users with an identified set of tasks for
which they are responsible
Identify the roles required for the operation of the
Identify the activities requiring a safety document
and their associated methods of isolation
Identification of the equipment and plant to be in-
cluded in the PFW system.
These areas were all fully addressed by the +PFW
process using stakeholders with limited or no experience
of the concepts associated with a PFW system.
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[4] M. E. C. Hull, K. Jackson and A. J. J. Dick, “Requirements
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[5] “Essentials of Health and Safety at Work,” HSE Books,
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[6] “Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order,”
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[7] “Permit-to-work Systems,” HSE Books Online, Health and
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[8] D. D. Black, M. E. C. Hull and K. Jackson, “Combining a
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[9] D. D. Black, M. E. C. Hull and K. Jackson, “+PFW-A
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[10] D. D. Black, M. E. C. Hull and K. Jackson, “Systems
Engineering and Safety-A Framework,” 2009.