Intelligent Information Management, 2010, 2, 95-103
doi:10.4236/iim.2010.22012 Published Online February 2010 (
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
Probabilistic Verification over GF(2m) Using
José Luis Imaña
Department of Computer Architecture, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Formal verification is fundamental in many phases of digital systems design. The most successful verifica-
tion procedures employ Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) as canonical representation for both
Boolean circuit specifications and logic designs, but these methods require a large amount of memory and
time. Due to these limitations, several models of Decision Diagrams have been studied and other verification
techniques have been proposed. In this paper, we have used probabilistic verification with Galois (or finite)
field GF(2m) modifying the CUDD package for the computation of signatures in classical OBDDs, and for
the construction of Mod2-OBDDs (also known as -OBDDs). Mod2-OBDDs have been constructed with a
two-level layer of -nodes using a positive Davio expansion (pDE) for a given variable. The sizes of the
Mod2-OBDDs obtained with our method are lower than the Mod2-OBDDs sizes obtained with other similar
Keywords: Verification, Probabilistic, OBDD, Mod2-OBDD, Galois Field GF(2m)
1. Introduction
One of the most important aspects during circuit design
is the verification, i.e., checking for functional equiva-
lence. The translation of a circuit design from a high-
level specification to a physical implementation depends
on the correct transformation of its description at higher
levels of abstraction to equivalent descriptions at more
detailed levels. At logic level, verification consists of
checking the equivalence of a Boolean function specifi-
cation and its logic implementation. Most of the current
successful equivalence checkers use Binary Decision
Diagrams (BDDs) [1,2] or their derivatives as a core of
the equivalence deduction engine. OBDDs [3,4] are used
as canonical representations for both Boolean circuit
specifications and logic designs. While OBDD-based
methods have been quite successful in verifying combi-
national and sequential circuits, they have significant
limitations. For many circuits, verification systems that
represent functions as OBDDs require a large amount of
memory and time, and for some circuits the resource
requirements are unacceptably large. Furthermore, OBDD
sizes are quite sensitive to the ordering of their Boolean
variables [5,6]. Various techniques have been proposed
to reduce the memory complexity of BDDs by exploiting
the structural and functional similarities of the circuits
[7–9]. Some alternative to BDD-based equivalence
checkers use Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) [10,11] or
SAT-like methods (ATPG [12], recursive learning [13])
as a principal engine.
In spite of the considerable advances in the area, the
growing complexity of the verification instances moti-
vates exploring the alternative approaches. Verification
performed using OBDDs can be considered as a Deter-
ministic Verification, in which if the OBDDs of the func-
tions are the same (isomorphic), then these functions are
said to be equivalent [14]. Another method that can be
considered in order to circumvent the above limitations
is the Probabilistic Verification, based on the theory of
Blum, Chandra and Wegman [15], in which numeric
codes or signatures represent the functions to be verified.
This method is based on algebraic transforms of Boolean
functions, so that a function can be substituted by its al-
gebraic representation. A signature representing the func-
tion is then obtained assigning numeric codes (randomly
selected from a finite field) to the variables in the alge-
braic representation, and then evaluating the result. The
comparison is then performed over signatures, not over
This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government Research
Grant TIN2008-00508.
data structures representing the functions [16]. Signa-
tures can be computed more efficiently than graph-based
representations, consume less time and space, and dis-
tinguish any pair of Boolean functions with a very high
probability of success. By performing several such runs
with different random input variable assignments, the
resultant algebraic simulation has a probability of error
in verification that decreases exponentially from an ini-
tially small value [16]. The probabilistic approach pre-
sents significant advantages over deterministic methods
using OBDDs. In deterministic verification, OBDDs are
canonical representations of functions to be verified, and
provide a basis for efficient computation. In probabilistic
verification, functions are represented by signatures, not
by a large data structure. Graph-based data structures are
used only in intermediate evaluation steps. Therefore,
more general OBDD-based models have been studied
which can be used as such intermediate data structures
In this paper, we consider Mod2-OBDDs [21] (also
known as -OBDDs) which are extensions of OBDDs.
Mod2-OBDDs are non canonical representations of
Boolean functions. For canonical representations as
OBDDs, testing the equivalence of two OBDDs simply
reduces to the comparison of their pointers. For non ca-
nonical representations as Mod2-OBDDs, a deterministic
equivalence test requires time cubic in the number of
nodes [22], and thus, it seems not to be suitable for prac-
tical purposes. In [21], a fast probabilistic equivalence
test for Mod2-OBDDs that requires only a linear number
of arithmetic operations is used.
In this contribution, a very efficient OBDD package
(CUDD package from Colorado University) has been
modified in order to construct Mod2-OBDD representa-
tions of Boolean functions given in multilevel BLIF, and
probabilistic verification based on Galois field GF(2m)
arithmetic for the equivalence test (signatures compari-
son) has been used. The addition of two elements from a
binary extension field GF(2m) is simply a bitwise XOR
of their corresponding binary representations, the sub-
traction is exactly the same as addition, and the complex-
ity of the multiplication depends on the irreducible gen-
erating polynomial or the basis selected to represent the
field elements [23–25]. These properties justify the use
of GF(2m) as finite field.
Firstly, OBDDs with signatures have been constructed.
The signature-inclusion is carried out by including a 32
bit signature field on each OBDD-node and computing
the signature in the synthesis process. This signa-
ture-OBDD obtained has the same number of nodes as
the original OBDD, but with the signature computed for
the Boolean function that it represents. Secondly,
Mod2-OBDDs have been constructed by the inclusion of
a two-level layer of -nodes. This layer is created–using
the positive Davio expansion (pDE) for a selected vari-
able–in the synthesis of the BLIF file for the function.
Signature is so computed for the Mod2-OBDD and is
compared with signature obtained with the signa-
ture-OBDD for the equivalence test. Times and sizes are
compared for the three used structures (OBDDs, signa-
ture-OBDDs and Mod2-OBDDs).
The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, some
basic concepts concerning Mod2-OBDDs are introduced.
In Section 3, probabilistic equivalence test using Galois
field GF(2m) is presented. In Section 4, modifications on
CUDD package for signature computation are outlined.
Section 5 deals with the introduction of -nodes for the
Mod2-OBDD construction. In Section 6, experimental
results are presented. Finally, some conclusions are in-
cluded in Section 7.
2. Mod2-OBDDs
Mod2-OBDDs have been defined in [21]. A Mod2-
OBDD (also known as -OBDDs) over a set Xn=
{x1,x2,…,xn} of Boolean variables is a directed acyclic
connected graph P where each node has out-degree 2 or
0. There is a distinguished non-terminal node, the root,
which has in-degree 0. The two terminal nodes with
out-degree 0, the 0-sink and the 1-sink, are labeled with
the Boolean constants 0 and 1, respectively. The remain-
ing non-terminal nodes v are either labeled with Boolean
variables xiXn (denoted as branching or decision nodes),
or with the binary Boolean operation XOR (-nodes).
Let l(v) denote the label of the node v. The two edges
starting in a non-sink node are labeled with 0 and 1. The
0-successor and 1-successor nodes of v are denoted by v0
and v1, respectively. If v2 is a successor of v1 in P and
l(v1), l(v2)Xn then l(v1)<l(v2) according to a given or-
dering on the set of input variables.
The function fP associated with a Mod2-OBDD P is
determined as follows. Given an input assignment a=
(a1,a2,…,an){0,1} n, the Boolean values assigned to the
leaves extend to Boolean values associated with all
nodes of P as follows:
If the successor nodes v0, v1 of a node v of P carry
the Boolean values b0, b1, respectively, and if l(v)=xi,
then v is associated with the value b0 or b1 according to xi
=0 or xi=1.
If l(v)=, then the value (b0,b1)=(b0 + b1) mod 2
is associated with v.
The value fP(a) of the Boolean function fP represented
by a Mod2-OBDD P is the value 1 or 0 associated with
the root of P under the assignment a. A more compact
representation can be obtained by using complemented
edges [26].
3. Probabilistic Verification
Using Galois Fields
Probabilistic verification consists of the generation of a
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
J. L. IMAÑA 97
code or signature for a Boolean function. The probabilis-
tic comparison of two functions can be carried out by
evaluating their representations on a randomly chosen
vector of values selected from a finite field and compar-
ing the results (signatures) obtained from the evaluation.
If the signatures are different, then the functions are in-
equivalent with certainty. If they are equal, then the
functions are equivalent with a small probability of error.
The signature for a Boolean function f(xn-1,…,x0) is
generated by selecting random numerical values for each
xi. These values can be selected from any field, but we
will use the finite field GF(pm), with p prime and m N,
representing a Galois field with pm elements. The evalua-
tion of the function (with these randomly selected values
assigned to its inputs) is carried out by the replacement
of f(xn-1,…,x0) by an equivalent arithmetic function de-
fined over the finite field. This replacement is deter-
mined by an algebraic transformation of the Boolean
function in terms of polynomials over the finite field. If
we assign the polynomial px=x to a Boolean variable x,
we can transform [16] the Boolean functions
f and f1
f2 into the arithmetic expressions 1pf and pf1 pf2, re-
spectively, where pf represents the polynomial assigned
to the Boolean function f. By using the law of DeMorgan
and idempotence, we can also transform f
1 f2 and
f1f2 into pf1+pf2pf1 pf2 and pf1+pf22 pf1 pf2, respec-
tively. It must be noted that the above arithmetic opera-
tions are carried out on the selected finite field.
In this paper, we consider the Galois field GF(2m)
which is a characteristic 2 finite field with 2m elements,
each of them represented as an m-bit vector. GF(2m) is an
extension field of the ground field GF(2)={0,1}. The
nonzero elements of GF(2m) are generated by a primitive
, where
is a root of a primitive irreducible
polynomial g(x)=xm +gm-1xm-1+…+g0 over GF(2). The
nonzero elements of GF(2m) can be represented as the
powers of
, i.e., GF(2m)={0,
2,…, ,
1}. Since
is a root of g(x), g(
)=0, and
+g0. Therefore, an element of GF(2m) can also
be expressed as a polynomial of
with degree less than
m, that is, GF(2m)={am-1
m-1 +…+ a1
+ a0 | aiGF(2)
for 0 i m-1}. Arithmetic in a field of characteristic 2
is essentially modulo arithmetic. Therefore, the addition
of two polynomials becomes the bitwise XOR of the
corresponding binary representations, and subtraction is
the same as addition. Multiplication of two polynomials
is the most important and one of the most complex and
time-consuming operations. Complexity depends on
many factors, such as the selection of the irreducible
polynomial or the basis selected to represent the field
elements: polynomial, dual or normal bases [25]. Be-
cause of its characteristic 2, the product 2pf1pf2 in GF(2 m)
is zero, and the above polynomial for the XOR is simpli-
fied to the GF(2m) addition. Complement of a field ele-
ment is simply the complementation of its least signifi-
cant bit (in polynomial basis), and multiplication can be
carried out in any of the representation bases. It must be
noted that the multiplication operation in GF(2m) re-
quires O(m) elementary operations [27].
When the signatures [H1] and [H2] of two functions f1
and f2 to be checked for equivalence are computed (using
the above transformations, and evaluating them over the
Galois field), then the signatures are compared: if [H1]
[H2], then the functions are inequivalent with certainty;
but if [H1] [H2], then the functions are equivalent, with
small probability of error.
The probability of error [16] is bounded by 1–e-n/p
(where n is the number of variables and p is the cardinal-
ity of the finite field) and if p>>n, then 1–e-n/pn/p.
Therefore the error probability associated with the prob-
abilistic equivalence check can be reduced by either in-
creasing the size of the field, or by making multiple runs
(using on each run an independent set of random as-
signments and computing the signatures for the func-
tions). If the signatures are different, we are sure that the
two functions are not the same. If they are equal, we
choose a new set of input assignments and reevaluate.
The probability of erroneously deciding that the func-
tions is equal decreases exponentially with the number of
such runs.
Applying these concepts, the probabilistic equivalence
test of two functions represented by their Mod2-OBDDs
is determined by the algebraic transformation of the
Mod2-OBDDs in terms of polynomials over GF(2m). A
polynomial pv: (GF(2m))nGF(2m) can be associated
with each node v of the Mod2-OBDD as follows [28]:
11 001 0
01 011 0
01 0(1)
()() ()
vnv nn
vn vn
p x,...,x
px,...,xxpx,...,x, l vxX
px ,...,xp x ,...,x,lv
 
The polynomial associated with a Mod2-OBDD P is
the polynomial associated with the root of P, so the
equivalence test of two functions is the signature com-
parison of their Mod2-OBDD roots polynomials evalu-
ated at the randomly chosen set of input variables se-
lected from GF(2m).
Let Pf and Pg be two Mod2-OBDDs representing the
Boolean functions f and g, and assume that a0,…,an-1
GF(2m) are generated independently and uniformly at
random. For the Boolean signatures pf and pg computed
for the Mod2-OBDDs Pf and Pg it holds [28] that
pf(a0,…,an-1)=pg(a0,…,an-1), if f=g, and Prob (pf(a0,…,an-1)
=pg(a0,…,an-1))<½, if fg. Therefore, if two given signa-
tures pf(a0,…,an-1) and pg(a0,…,an-1) are equal, then the
functions f and g are equal only with a certain probability.
An estimation of the probability that the signatures for
two nodes representing different Boolean functions in a
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
Mod2-OBDD P are equal can be found in [28]. By using
s different signatures per node the error probability
computes to at most
ize Pn
where size(P) denotes the number of nodes of the
Mod2-OBDD P, n is the number of variables, and |GF|
the cardinality of the finite field GF(2m). For our experi-
ments given in Section 6, we use the field GF(216).
Therefore, if we have, for example, a Mod2-OBDD with
107 nodes depending on 100 variables, we should use 6
different signatures per node in order to obtain an error
probability of less than 6.3110-4. It must be noted that
for the circuit c1908 studied in section 6, for example,
we should use 4 different signatures in order to obtain an
error probability of less than 1.2510-5. However, this is
an error bound. In fact, in our experiments and for only
one signature per node, all the experiments performed in
order to check the equivalence of two different circuits,
were successfully detected by obtaining two different
signatures. Furthermore, the work here presented is a
first approach that can be further improved.
4. Including Signatures on CUDD Package
We have used for our implementations the CUDD pack-
age, one of the most efficient OBDD packages [29].
CUDD package has been modified in order to include
signatures into OBDD nodes, and compute the signature
of the Boolean function represented by an OBDD. The
signature of the function will be the signature of the root
node(s) of the OBDD. We name these decision diagrams
signature-OBDDs (or s-OBDDs for simplicity). When
the s-OBDD for a function has been constructed, then it
can be verified comparing its signature with the signature
computed by the construction of the Mod2-OBDD.
CUDD modifications consist of the inclusion of two
new fields for each OBDD node: a 1-bit decision-x or
field used to distinguish a decision node from a-node,
and a 32-bit signature field used for the signature of the
node. The most significant 16-bits of this field store the
initial signature randomly assigned to the variable asso-
ciated with the node, and the least significant 16-bits
store the signature of the (sub)function represented by
the node. Therefore, GF(216) is used for signature repre-
In the synthesis process, Boolean operations are im-
plemented using the ite operator [30] defined as a ternary
Boolean function for three inputs F, G, H by “If F then G
else H”. This is equivalent to ite(F,G,H)=FG+FH and
can be evaluated by recursive application of the Shannon
decomposition f=xf|x=1+xf|x=0, where positive and
negative cofactors f|x=1 and f|x=0 are the function f evalu-
ated at x=1 and x=0, respectively. Positive and negative
cofactors of a function associated with a decision node v,
l(v)=x, are derived by simply returning the 1-successor
and the 0-successor of v, respectively. In our approach,
signature computation is performed in the synthesis
process using the Shannon decomposition. Let [x] be the
signature initially assigned to x variable (the most sig-
nificant 16-bits of v’s signature field), and [v0] and [v1]
the signatures associated to 0- and 1-successor of v node
(signatures of the functions represented by v0 and v1),
respectively. Then the signature [v] associated to the
function represented by v can be computed by the fol-
lowing arithmetic operations over GF(216):
  
01 0
vxvxv xvxv
xv xv
  (2)
where the properties and transformations of Boolean
functions into arithmetic expressions given in Section 3
have been used. If the polynomial basis for the represen-
tation of the field elements is used, then the signature
1+[x] is simply the complementation of the least signifi-
cant bit of [x]. When the signature [v] of the function
represented by v has been computed, then it is stored at
the least significant 16-bits of the signature field of v.
Therefore, the signature of a Boolean function repre-
sented by an OBDD can be computed in the synthesis
process (ite operation). An OBDD with signatures is
named signature-OBDD (s-OBDD).
5. Introduction of -Nodes into the OBDD
Mod2-OBDD for a Boolean function is created by the
introduction of an upper two-level layer of -nodes
while the OBDD is being constructed. The main advan-
tage of a data structure with OBDDs and -nodes is that
the signature for a -node can be directly computed by
simply performing the bitwise exclusive-or of the signa-
ture associated to its 1- and 0-successors (if Galois field
is used).
We have constructed Mod2-OBDDs for combinational
circuits given in BLIF format. For the introduction of the
two-level layer of -nodes, we have used the positive
Davio expansion. The positive Davio expansion (pDE) of
a function f with reference to a variable xi is given by the
following expression:
(..., ,...)|( ||)
|(| |
fx fxff
 
 (3)
Using this expansion, an upper layer of two -nodes is
constructed for the function as shown in Figure 1(a). In
this representation, the upper -node of the layer has its
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
J. L. IMAÑA 99
else edge pointing to the function 0
|, while its then
edge points to the lower -node. The else edge of this
lower -node points to the function 0
and the
then edge points to the function
. This structure
is given in Figure 1(b) for a circuit with many outputs
and when a given variable xi is selected for the pDE. This
expansion could be used for the whole circuit construc-
tion in Mod2-OBDD form, but we have restricted the
-nodes inclusion to a two-level layer of -nodes and
for a selected input variable for the pDE. This general
structure has been selected because the number of
-nodes in the Mod2-OBDD impacts on its size. For
many circuits, a few -nodes lead to small sizes of
Mod2-OBDDs, but too many -nodes lead to large
Mod2-OBDDs [28]. The introduction of a limited num-
ber of -nodes in a mainly OBDD structure, tries to take
advantage of both approaches (Mod2-OBDDs and
This two-level layer structure is constructed in the
synthesis of the BLIF circuit. In BLIF, there are primary
inputs, outputs and internal gates. A gate can have only
primary inputs as fanins, or can have primary inputs
and/or internal gates as inputs. A gate is represented with
several lines, each line representing a cube, and the dis-
junction of these cubes provides the function of that gate.
In general, the cubes are not disjoint. Each entry of a line,
gives the value (0, 1 or ) that an input to that gate takes.
For the construction of the Mod2-OBDD with two-
level layer -nodes, we select a primary input xi with
reference to which the positive Davio decomposition is
performed. We will use the same variable for the pDE in
all gates of the circuit. For each gate, we will get two
functions and that represent the negative
and positive cofactors, respectively, with reference to the
selected variable xi. For any gate of the circuit, two cases
can be distinguished: a) the gate only has primary inputs
as fanins, and b) the gate has primary inputs and/or in-
ternal gates as inputs.
F| 1
In case a), for each line (cube) of the gate we have to
perform the conjunction of all the primary inputs differ-
ent from xi (we name the result of this conjunction as
product). Then the value that the input xi has for that
cube is checked. The possible cases we can take for
computing the negative and positive cofactors for each
cube ( and ) are the following:
C| 1
xi=0 (0
C| = product) and (1
C| =0).
xi=1 (0
C| =0) and (1
C| =product)
xi = (0
C| =product) and (1
C| =product)
These operations are carried out for each line of the
gate, and finally we compute the conjunction of the
’s functions (getting
C| 0
) and the conjunction of
the 1
’s functions (getting 1
|) obtained for all the
lines. After that, we get the two functions 0
that represent the gate.
In case b), we have that some inputs to the gate (the
internal gates) have been already decomposed with re-
spect to the xi variable. If we name the conjunction of the
’s functions of these internal gates as 0
, and
the conjunction of the 1
|’s of the internal gates as
, then we will have the following three possibilities
in order to get the cofactors and
C| 1
for each
xi=0 (0
= product0
N| ) and (1
C| = 0).
xi=1 (0
= 0) and (1
C| = product
xi = (0
N| ) and (1
As in case a), these operations are performed for each
cube of the gate. Finally, the conjunction of all the
’s functions obtained for all the lines gives 0
and the conjunction of all the 1’s functions obtained
for all the lines gives 1, so0
F| x
| and1
resent the gate.
The graph so created for internal gates has a structure
similar to Figure 1(a), except that then and else edges of
the lower -node are not multiplied by the xi variable.
This is because all decomposition in the circuit is carried
out with respect to this variable and internal gates are
used only as an intermediate step in order to get the out-
puts of the circuit, so it is not necessary. We must per-
form these multiplications if the gate is an output, ob-
taining the structure given in Figure 1(a). The
Mod2-OBDD obtained with this method, is not a ca-
nonical representation. As we are interested in the signa-
ture computation of the circuit using this data structure,
the graph can be simplified not including xi variable in
the Mod2-OBDD. The contribution of the variable is
considered multiplying the signature of the lower -node
in Figure 1(a) by the signature initially assigned to the
variable xi. By this way the size of the final Mod2-
OBDD is even more reduced. The structure finally ob-
tained is given in Figure 1(b), with an upper two-level
layer of -nodes and classical OBDDs (in fact, signa-
ture-OBBDs) at the lower part of the graph. The -nodes
used are introduced in the CUDD package by their speci-
fication in the decision-xor field of the nodes, and signa-
tures are stored in their signature field. All arithmetic
operations involved above must be performed over
GF(2m) using the signature field of the nodes (decision
and -nodes).
For the experimental results given in the following
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
section, the variable xi selected to perform the positive
Davio decomposition has been the first variable given in
the initial ordering for the benchmarks. It must be noted
that several heuristics for variable ordering could be used,
such as those based on topological or logic information
of the circuit [31,33]. Therefore, the variable xi selected
to perform the Davio decomposition could be the first
variable obtained in these new orderings.
6. Experimental Results
Experiments have been carried out in a Sun Ultra1 work-
station with 128 Mbytes of main-memory for the verifi-
cation of LGSynth91 Benchmark multilevel BLIF
circuits, and the modified CUDD has been used for the
construction of OBDDs, s-OBDDs and two-level layer
Mod2-OBDDs. Arithmetic operations over the finite
field GF(216) generated by the irreducible pentanomial
f(x)=x16+x5+x3+x2+1 have been performed using a
Figure 1. (a) Positive Davio expansion for variable xi; (b)
Structure for multiple outputs.
polynomial basis for representation of the field elements,
and the multiplication algorithm used has been the one
given in [32].
Firstly, OBDDs and s-OBDDs for some of the given
benchmarks have been constructed, and their construc-
tion times have been compared. In the 2nd column of Ta-
ble 1, the ratios between the times needed to construct
s-OBDDs and OBDDs of the benchmarks are given. The
number of nodes (sizes) of both graphs is the same. The
difference is that s-OBDD computes the signature of the
circuit. From the results, it can be observed that the
s-OBDD construction is 2.3 times slower in average than
OBDD construction (with mux.blif as worst case). De-
spite of this, the construction of s-OBDDs has not an ex-
cessive cost in time in comparison with OBDDs, because
we can get canonical representation in OBDD form to-
gether with the signature(s) of the circuit, so we could
perform deterministic and/or probabilistic verifications. It
is important to note that the more time needed for the
s-OBDD construction is mainly due to the GF(2m) multi-
plication of signatures. Therefore, the use of more effi-
cient multiplication algorithms [23] will reduce the time
needed for the s-OBDD construction.
f f Secondly, we have constructed two-level layer Mod2-
OBDDs for the benchmarks, as given in Section 5. The
times needed for their construction have been compared
with the times needed for s-OBDD construction, and
their signatures have been compared in order to check
the correctness of the results (probabilistic verification).
In the 3rd column of Table 1, the ratios between the times
Table 1. Comparison of time ratios for LGSynth91 multi-
level benchmarks.
Circuit s-OBDD/OBDD Mod2-OBDD/s-OBDD
alu2 2.4 0.80
apex6 2.1 0.66
apex7 2.4 0.22
c1355 2.4 0.99
c1908 2.3 0.44
cm151a 2.5 0.05
cordic 1.5 0.77
count 1.5 0.90
des 2.9 0.96
example2 1.7 0.83
frg2 2.3 0.93
i2 2.3 0.70
k2 2.9 0.16
mux 3.1 0.94
pcler8 2.0 0.70
term1 2.5 0.73
too_large 3.0 0.61
ttt2 2.0 0.87
vda 2.9 0.22
x3 2.3 0.51
x4 1.8 0.84
f|xi=0 f|xi=1 f|xi=0 xi.f|xi=0
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J. L. IMAÑA 101
Table 2. Sizes for OBDDs, two-level layer Mod2-OBDDs,
and ratios between sizes of Mod2-OBDD and OBDDS.
needed to construct two-level layer Mod2- OBDDs and
s-OBDDs of the benchmarks are given. It can be ob-
served that in all cases, Mod2-OBDD construction is
faster than s-OBDD construction (0.66 times faster in
average), even with hard benchmarks as c1908.blif (0.44
times faster).
The sizes (number of nodes) of OBDDs and two-level
layer Mod2-OBDDs have been also compared. In the 2nd
column of Table 2 the OBDD sizes for the benchmarks
are given, in the 3rd column the two-level layer Mod2-
OBDD sizes are also given, and in the 4th column the ratios
between the Mod2-OBDD and OBDD sizes are represented.
From the experimental results, it can be observed that
Mod2-OBDD sizes are in average 0.87 times smaller than
OBDD sizes. Significant examples are apex7, c1908, k2,
vda and x3 blif files, which Mod2-OBDD sizes are 0.34,
0.55, 0.26, 0.44 and 0.62 times smaller than OBDD sizes,
We can also compare our method with other similar
approaches given in the literature. The comparison of the
sizes obtained by our method with the best results ob-
tained in the work of Meinel and Sack [34] for some
Benchmarks is given in Table 3. In [34], Mod2-OBDDs
are constructed depending on a threshold factor, and dy-
namic variable reordering techniques are neither used.
From this comparison, it can be observed that the
Mod2-OBDD sizes obtained by Meinel and Sack (with
threshold factor equal to 1.0) are 0.99 times smaller than
OBDD sizes, while the two-level layer Mod2-OBDD
sizes obtained using our approach is 0.83 times smaller
than OBDD sizes. In this table, ratio represents the ratio
between the Mod2-OBDD and OBDD sizes.
Finally, from the experimental results, it can be ob-
served that the probabilistic verification procedure using
signature-OBDDs and two-level layer Mod2-OBDDs
seems to be a promising approach for verification. The
times needed for the construction of signature-OBDDs
are not very large compared with the times needed for
the construction of classical OBDDs, and the times
needed for two-level layer Mod2-OBDD construction are
always smaller than the times needed for s-OBDDs.
Furthermore, the two-level layer Mod2-OBDDs sizes are
in average smaller (in some cases, much smaller) than
classical OBDDs sizes. The comparison of our experimental
results with similar work done in the literature shows the
suitability of our approach in order to obtain Mod2-
OBDDs with reduced sizes. The achieved results could
be further improved by trying heuristics for initial vari-
able ordering, using dynamic variable reordering [34],
[35], and using efficient multiplication algorithms over
GF(2m), which is part of our ongoing work.
7. Conclusions
Probabilistic approach seems to be a promising alterna-
tive for circuit verification. For probabilistic methods
Table 3. Results of the comparison of our approach with the
work done by Meinel and Sack for some benchmarks.
alu2 231 231 1.00
apex6 2760 1712 0.62
apex7 1660 566 0.34
c1355 45922 45953 1.00
c1908 36007 19697 0.55
cm151a 511 49 0.10
cordic 45 50 1.11
count 234 232 0.99
des 73919 74028 1.00
example2 469 553 1.18
frg2 6471 6216 0.96
i2 335 268 0.80
k2 28336 7351 0.26
mux 131071 131071 1.00
pcler8 139 146 1.05
term1 580 459 0.79
too_large 7096 5129 0.72
ttt2 223 228 1.02
vda 4345 1919 0.44
x3 2760 1712 0.62
x4 891 917 1.03
Total size 344005 298487 0.87
Meinel & Sack Our approach
Circuit OBDD
Mod2-OBDD ratio Mod2-OBDDratio
alu2 231 237 1.02 231 1.00
apex7 1660 1570 0.94 566 0.34
c1355 4592245921 1.00 45953 1.00
c1908 3600735869 0.99 19697 0.55
count 234 226 0.96 232 0.99
example2469 456 0.97 553 1.18
frg2 6471 6348 0.98 6216 0.96
i2 335 334 1.00 268 0.80
k2 2833626361 0.93 7351 0.26
mux 131071131072 1.00 131071 1.00
term1 580 584 1.01 459 0.79
too_large7096 7091 1.00 5129 0.72
vda 4345 4214 0.97 1919 0.44
x3 2760 2429 0.88 1712 0.62
Total size265517262712 0.99 221357 0.83
Copyright © 2010 SciRes IIM
where Galois fields GF(2m) are used, Mod2-OBDDs are
suitable data structures for signature computation due
tothe properties of finite fields with characteristic 2. In
this work, a highly optimised package (CUDD) for
OBDD construction has been modified to compute sig-
natures in the synthesis process (signature-OBDD) and in
order to construct two-level layer Mod2-OBDDs using
positive Davio expansion with reference to a selected
variable. Signatures obtained from signature-OBDDs and
those obtained from Mod2-OBDDs are then compared
for checking correctness (probabilistic verification). Ex-
perimental results have proven that the signature compu-
tation has not an excessive time cost and that Mod2-
OBDDs with controlled number of -nodes provide re-
duced sizes compared with classical OBDDs, so prob-
abilistic verification can be a suitable alternative to clas-
sical verification methods. Comparisons with experi-
mental results obtained by other similar approaches
found in the literature have been also given, proving that
our method is very suitable for the construction of re-
duced Mod2-OBDDs.
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