J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2010, 3, 217-220
doi:10.4236/jbise.2010.32029 Published Online February 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jbise/
Published Online February 2010 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/jbise
Biclustering of time-lagged gene expression data using real
Feng Liu, Lingbing Wang
International School of Software, Wuhan University, China.
Email: wolflf@126.com
Received 28 September 2008; revised 30 November 2009; accepted 30 December 2009.
Analysis of gene expression data can help to find the
time-lagged co-regulation of gene cluster. However,
existing method just solve the problem under the
condition when the data is discrete number. In this
paper, we propose efficient algorithm to indentify
time-lagged co-regulated gene cluster based on real
Keywords: Microarray; Gene Expression; Bicluster;
Mean Squared Reside
With the development of technology, some computa-
tional methods are widely used in the field of analyzing
gene expression data. Among them, the clustering and
biclustering techniques can detect the similar genes and
similar samples from the microarray based on the fact
that the similar genes have the similar expression levels
under the similar condition, which means that the sam-
ples should be gotten under the similar conditions such
as the sampling spot, sampling time and the sampling
temperatures. However, the samples are always gotten at
different period of time because the expression data are
always measured from different laboratory and different
purpose [1,2,3]. That is to say, the expression data re not
simultaneously co-expressing but time-lagged express-
ing. As a result, the genes expression products may af-
fect other genes’ expression during the biology process.
Such effect can be divided into two phenomenons: acti-
vation and inhibition. Under the activation process, one
gene expression can activate another gene expression.
On the contrary, a part of gene can inhibit the other gene
expression under the inhibition process. To be concluded,
some genes can activate or inhibit the other genes with
time lagged. That is defined as the time-lagged gene
expression. In this paper, we present an efficient method
to bicluster of the time-lagged gene expression data. In
the Section 2, we describe the related work. The method
is presented in Section 3. The experiment result is given
in Section 4 and the conclusion is given in Section 5.
However, all the methods discussed above usually ana-
lyze two genes at the same time which have the draw-
backs as following: firstly, the approaches are clearly
computationally inefficient in practice. When given n
genes, n(n-1) times comparison cannot be avoided. Sec-
ondly, relationship between the genes is unclosed
enough using the methods. At the end, the methods
merely reflect the relationship between two genes rather
than various relationships among genes.
To solve the problems, Ji L. et al [3] presented an al-
gorithm to identify time-lagged gene clusters using gene
expression data. However, they just dealt with the dis-
crete data rather than the real data. In this paper, we
propose an algorithm to identify the localized time-lagg-
ed gene clusters from real data.
Definition 1. (Time-lagged Continuous Column Linear
Bicluster): Let G be the set of genes and T the set of
conditions (time spots). Let X(G,T) be the DNA expres-
sional matrix using real numbers. Let B(I, S, q) be the
subset of the expression data which denotes the ith gene’s
q continuous expression data from the time Si, where I is
the subset of G, S is a set of the ith gene’s expression
time, and q is the expression length. Then, B (I, S, q) is
defined as Time-lagged Continuous Column Linear Bi-
cluster only if each element is identical in difference ve-
ctors between rows (or columns) in the matrix B(I, S, q).
According to the definition mentioned above, there is
linear relationship between difference vectors in Time-
lagged Continuous Column Linear Bicluster B(I,S,q),
which are defined as the bicluster’s eigenvector.
Definition 2. (The Largest Time-lagged Continuous
Column Linear Bicluster): Let X(G,T) be the expression
matrix and B(I, S, q) the time-lagged continuous column
linear bicluster. If there isn’t any time-lagged continuous
column linear bicluster B(I, S, q) which satisfies II
F. Liu et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 217-220
Copyright © 2010 SciRes.
and qq, B(I, S, q) is defined as the largest time-lagged
continuous column linear bicluster.
To detect the relationship between genes, those bi-
clusters will be scored by Mean Squared Reside as ref-
erence [9] mentioned. According to reference [9], a
bicluster will be regard as perfect when MSR(I,J)=0.
Due to the noise, as Cheng & Church [9] did, we pro-
pose Time-lagged Continuous Column δ-bicluster as
Definition 3. (Time-lagged Continuous Column δ-bi-
cluster): Given a threshold δ(δ>0),the bicluster B(I, S, q)
is defined as the time-lagged Continuous Column δ-
bicluster if MSR(I,J) δ where MSR(I,J) is the mean
squared reside of B(I, S, q).
Definition 4. (The Largest Time-lagged Continuous
Column δ-bicluster): Given a threshold δ(δ>0) and δ-
bicluster B(I, S, q), B(I, S, q) is the Largest Time-lagged
Continuous Column δ-bicluster if there does not exist
any time-lagged continuous column linear bicluster B’(I’,
S’, q) which makes MSR’ (I,J) δ, II’ and qq, then
bicluster B(I, S, q) is defined a largest bicluster.
4.1. Enumeration-Fast Graded Greedy
As all the definitions shown above, a bicluster is a per-
fect cluster when MSR (I,J)=0. However, the number q is
always unknown, so the largest bicluster can not be eas-
ily found as reference [9] does. In this paper, we propose
a method to enumerate q and then analysis the matrix as
4.1.1. Step 1: Matrix Transformation
To simplify the problem, a new matrix is generated from
the original one at different time spots for a given q. For
example, given the genes expression matrix X(G,T) with
n genes and m conditions as Table 1, and a new matrix
M(R,C) of n×m rows and q columns is generated from
the original matrix X(G,T) with n rows and m columns as
Table 2 shows.
After the transformation, the question can be trans-
ferred to find the δ-cluster with largest row subset I
which make the MSR(I,J) δ.
4.1.2. Step2: Generation of δ-cluster
To find the δ-cluster, a greedy algorithm is designed by
deleting one or some rows in order to cut down MSR
(I,J). However, research shows that the algorithm can’t
be applied directly into the matrix M(R, C). As an alter-
native method, the δ-cluster can be agglomerated from
the primary clusters M(R, C) as the following steps. Finding the Primary Clusters
As other agglomerated clustering methods, each row can
be regarded as a cluster and then clusters with the short-
est distance can be combined together. Given the matrix
Table 1. Original matrix X(G,T).
Gene/Time T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
G2163 -0.44-0.44 0.08 0.350.26
G1223 -1.51-1.57 -1.35 0.041.3
Table 2. Transformed matrix M(R,C).
-0.44 -0.44 0.08 0.35
-0.44 0.08 0.35 0.26
0.08 0.35 0.26 -0.44
0.35 0.26 -0.44 -0.44
0.26 -0.44 -0.44 0.08
-1.51 -1.57 -1.35 0.04
-1.57 -1.35 0.04 1.3
-1.35 0.04 1.3 -1.51
0.04 1.3 -1.51 -1.57
1.3 -1.51 -1.57 -1.35
X(G,T) with n rows and m columns and denoted the
transformed matrix M(R, C) with n*m rows and q col-
umns, thus the computing complexity is O((nm)2) to
enumerate all of the primary clusters. In general, the
magnitude of n is 104~105, and m is 101~102 the same as
q, which shows the difficulty of computing. To solve this
problem, we may try to find sub-clusters of the largest
bicluster as primary clusters.
Firstly, each row should be regarded as a bicluster’s
eigenvector. So bicluster A and bicluster B can be re-
garded as coessential clusters if there exists the linear
relationship between A’s eigenvector a and B’s eigen-
vector b. According to the definition of bicluster, a larger
bicluster can be formed by combining A and B, and the
eigenvector of new bicluster should be (a + b)/2. Thus,
the largest biclusters can be found by the combination of
all the coessential clusters by the steps. Through this
method, the perfect linear clusters can be found.
However, the noise signal can’t be avoided in real
number. So, in this paper, Mean Squared Reside is in-
troduced to measure the quality of bicluster as follows:
Algorithm 1: Finding certain primary clusters
Input: M(R,C), a transformed genes expression matrix of size
Output: k primary clusters
Step1Initialize each row as a primary cluster and regard it
as an eigenvector.
Step2Compare the eigenvector of each cluster and com-
bine the biclusters with equivalent eigenvector.
Step3Return k primary clusters. Greedy Expanding
In this phase, we calculate the largest biclusters whose
MSR (I,J) δ. A bicluster B(I,J) is the largest continuous
column bicluster only if there is not any other continu-
F. Liu et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 217-220
Copyright © 2010 SciRes.
ous column bicluster B'(I',J'), which allows II' and
J J', or I I' and J J'. According to Cheng
&Church’s greedy algorithm [9], for any given bicluster
B(I,J), the MSR of new bicluster B’(IR,J) will not ex-
pand, where R stands for a row set as follows:
 
;{ 2
IJIjiJij JIMSRaaaa
So this greedy method can be adopted in adding some
rows into the bicluster as Algorithm 2 shows:
Algorithm 2: Greedy Expanding
Input: M(R,C), a transformed genes expression matrix of size s
×q, and there are k primary clusters
Output: k primary clusters
Step1: Initialize each cluster C
Step2: Compute the set of columns Q={q
} which
not belongs to any of the primary cluster.
Step2.1: Compute the MSR score if row j (jQ) is added to
cluster C
Step 2.2: Add the row with the least MSR into cluster C
and delete it from set Q
Step 2.3: Compute the MSR of C
and go to step 2 if it is less
than δ.
Step 3: Go to Step1 to calculate the next cluster until all the
primary clusters are calculated.
Step7: output the k primary clusters Rapid Expansion of Classification
However, the algorithm above repeats Step2~Step5 too
frequently. Thus, we improve the algorithm based on the
Greedy Principle.
Firstly, scoring the primary cluster B(I,J) with α, and
the largest cluster B'(I',J') with δ. If the count of the steps
is no more than k, the increment of each step will be
(δα)/k. Thus, the increment to the cluster of adding
each row should be no more than (δα)/k. And then, an
improved algorithm will be introduced:
Algorithm 3: Rapid expansion of classification
Input: M(R,C), a transformed genes expression matrix of size s
×q, and there are k primary clusters
Output: k clusters
Step1: Initialize each cluster C
Step2: Compute the set of columns Q={q
, q
} which
not belongs to any of the primary cluster.
Step3: For each row j in Q and each cluster C
Step 3.1 Calculate MSR score if row j is added to cluster C
Step 3.2: Add the rows into each cluster C
if their MSR score
is less than (
Step 3.3 Delete the rows from set Q
Step 3.4: Recompute the MSR of C
, and go to Step 3 if
their score is less than δ and Q is not null.
Step 4: Delete several rows to make each bicluster’s score
less than
by the algorithm proposed by Cheng & Church.
Step5: Print out the k clusters
4.1.3. Phase 3: Generation of the Sequential δ-cluster
In this phase, the time-lagged bicluster the is extracted
from δ-clusters.
Firstly, assuming I{r1,r2,…,rp} as a set of the rows
of δ-cluster B(I,J). There ri represents the ith row in
M(R,C). Secondly, assume that G={g1,g2,…,gn} is the
gene set of original expression matrix X(G,T). Set
T={ct1,ct2,…,ctm}, and q is the number of sequential
points of M(R,C). There /
represents the gene at
row i of δ-cluster, and m
is the start time.
Then the target bicluster B (I’, S, q) will be got.
4.1.4. The Overall Algorithm:
Generally, q is a positive integer within 100, and we
enumerate all possible q. The overall algorithm is:
Algorithm 4: the overall algorithm
Input: Gene expression matrix X(G,C) with m rows and n
columns, threshold αδ and q.
Output: the best time-lagged bicluster.
Ste p1 For each different q
Ste p1 . 1 Transform the matrix to M(R,C)
Ste p1 . 2Find the k-best primary cluster using Algorithm 1.
Ste p1 . 3Expand the clusters using Algorithm 3.
Ste p1 . 4Print out the k best clusters and transform them into
sequential δ-clusters
Step1.5: Go to step 1 until all the q is considered.
Firstly, we randomly generate a 200×20 matrix X(G,T)
of positive continuous within 100. Secondly, randomly
generate a k*s bicluster B(I,J). At last, replace several
rows in X(G,T) by lines of B(I,J) at random points.
If set α=0.2δ=1k=4 4q20, and the size of B(I,J)
is between 5×5200×20. The algorithm can efficiently
find the implanted bicluster.
Additionally, we also add some noise into the matrix.
Selecting ε|I||J| data from B(I,J) and adding a value be-
tween –a to a to this matrix. Let k be the quantity of the
output of bicluster and each of them is denoted by
Bk(Ik’,Jk’). Accuracy r can be calculated as the over-
lapped part of Bi(Ii’,Ji’) and B(I,J) as follows:
If set α=2δ20, the ratio r with different a, ε is
Figure 1 has shown that the more noise, the worse the
result will be. And the stronger noise, the worse the re-
sult will be. Under the condition with a few noises, the
result is acceptable.
Figure 2 The parameter δ should be increased to im-
prove the algorithm if the noise signal is too strong.
F. Liu et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 217-220
Copyright © 2010 SciRes.
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Figure 1. the ratio r for different a.
δ=2 0
δ=5 0
Figure 2. the ratio r for different ε.
Table 3. Consequences of the biclusters of G-O.
GO ID Selected
All of the
gene p-Value
5830 89 151 3.1944E-24
44445 90 172 1.32E-19
3740 99 205 3.024E-18
5842 51 78 4.6627E-17
5840 112 257 2.594E-16
43037 125 310 6.432E-15
15934 62 119 9.927E-14
5829 119 312 3.04E-12
16283 36 58 2.03E-11
5843 36 58 2.03E-11
6416 158 468 7.033E-11
9059 171 531 7.558E-10
5198 116 325 7.7626E-10
16282 37 68 2.138E-9
30529 141 423 2.356E-8
Additionally, we filter those data which own the
characteristic of Gaussian Distribution under different
conditions. In order to choose a suitable δ, we randomly
generate 200 model matrixes of the same size with
processed genes expression matrix. The elements of the
matrixes are continuously selected from 0 to 500. There
the average MSR is 18569.8. At the first time when α
was combined, it is 1% of MSR, but δ, which got from
Algorithm 4, is 5 of MS R. We test q from 8 to 20 and
return 10 largest biclusters of each different q. Gene
Ontology also has been used to evaluate the biclusters
and calculate different p-Value. There is the output in
Table 3.
To a continuous matrix, we use the Enumeration-Fast
Graded Greedy Algorithm to generate biclusters. Firstly,
we transform the gene expression matrix, analysis the
matrix by Cheng &Church’s Greedy Algorithm, and then
generate the time-lagged δ-cluster. This method includes
three steps: matrix transformation, generation of δ-clus-
ter and generation of the sequential δ-cluster. And then,
both actual data and analogy data has been used to test
this algorithm. The conclusion is: when the data is lack
of noise signal, the result will be totally correct; when
the noise signals added into the matrix, there will be
little influence to the result; when testing the actual data,
we can generate the bicluster which meet the require-
ment. All these data can show the reliability of this
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