Vol.2, No.2, 101-111 (2010) Health
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Socio-demographic determinants of health status of
elderly with self-reported diagnosed chronic medical
conditions in Jamaica
Paul. A. Bourne1*, Donovan. A. McGrowder2
1Departments of Community Health and Psychiatry, The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica; paulbourne1@yahoo.com
2Pathology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, the University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
Received 29 October 2009; revised 9 December 2009; accepted 14 December 2009.
Objectives: The aim of the current study is to
examine the health status of elderly in rural,
peri-urban and urban areas of residence in Ja-
maica, and to propose a model to predict the
social determinants of poor health status of
elderly Jamaicans with at least one chronic
disease. Methods: A sub-sample of 287 re-
spondents 60 years and older was extracted
from a larger nationally cross-sectional survey
of 6783 respondents. The stratified multistage
probability sampling technique was used to
draw the survey respondents. A self-adminis-
tered questionnaire was used to collect the data
from the sample. Descriptive statistics were
used to examine the demographic characteris-
tics of the sample; chi-square was used to in-
vestigate non-metric variables, and logistic re-
gression was the multivariate technique chosen
to determine predictors of poor health status.
Results: Almost thirty six percent of the sam-
ples had poor health status. Majority (43.2%) of
the sample reported hypertension, 25.4% dia-
betes mellitus and 13.2% rheumatoid arthritis.
Only 35.4% of those who indicated that they had
at least one chronic illness reported poor health
status and there was a statistical relation be-
tween health status and area of residence [χ2 (df
= 4) = 11.569, P = 0.021, n = 287]. Rural residents
reported the highest poor health status (44.2%)
compared to other town (27.3%) and urban area
residents (23.7%). Conclusions: Majority of the
respondents in the sample had good health, and
those with poor health status were more likely
to report having hypertension followed by dia-
betes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis. Poor
health status was more prevalent among those
of lower economic status in rural areas who re-
ported greater medical health care expenditure.
The prevalence of chronic diseases and levels
of disability in older people can be reduced with
appropriate health promotion and strategies to
prevent non-communicable diseases.
Keywords: Older; Chronic Illness; Social Determi-
nants; Jamaica
The Caribbean has been identified as the most rapidly
ageing region of the world. Between 1960 and 1995,
there was a 76.8% increase in the elderly population [1].
Among its regional island states, the average growth rate
in the elderly population was approximately 5.3% for the
1995-2000 periods. The elderly as a percentage of total
population was 4.3% in 1950 and is estimated to reach
about 15% by 2020 [1]. In Jamaica, a similar pattern has
been observed with a clear and rapidly rising trend in the
elderly as a proportion of the population [2]. By 2025 as
much as 1 in 7 persons will be elderly. Moreover, char-
acterizing this pattern of increasing elderly is the differ-
ential growth rates within the various sub-age groups
over age 60, with the 75 years and above age group ex-
pected to double moving from 2.8% currently to 4.0 %
in 2025 [3]. Eldemire [4] noted that the elderly in Ja-
maica represents 10% of the population, and that they
were for the most part mentally competent and physi-
cally independent. With a calculated life expectancy of
75.5 years [5], the burden on the healthcare system can
be expected to increase.
The epidemiologic transition in the Caribbean over
the last 40 years has produced an epidemic of life-
style-related chronic non-communicable diseases [6].
Among these are obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hyper-
tension, along with such complications as stroke, heart
disease, and amputations [6]. Cardiovascular disease is
by far the leading cause of death at older ages in devel-
oping countries, although the impact of communicable
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
diseases remains considerable [7]. One comprehensive
analysis attributes nearly 46 percent of all deaths among
women aged 60 and over in developing countries in the
early 1990s to cardiovascular disease; the corresponding
figure for older men was 42 percent [7]. Older people
with diabetes mellitus are at particularly high risk for
heart disease, stroke, eye damage, kidney disease, limb
amputation and depression. In the Survey on Health and
Well-Being of Elders (SABE), among those reporting
diabetes, at least 60% reported visual problems with or
without eye glasses. Among those reporting at least two
chronic diseases, 25% had symptoms of depression [8].
Furthermore, SABE indicates that an average of 70% of
women aged 60 years and older have at least one poten-
tially disabling condition, such as low vision, rheuma-
toid arthritis, or urinary incontinence [8].
In developed countries, the health and social status of
the elderly has received a fair amount of attention [9].
Within the Caribbean, some progress has been made in
terms of research on the elderly. Braithwaite [10] noted
that data on the Caribbean elderly were extremely lim-
ited. With the continuing aging of the population in the
Caribbean, gerontological research has devoted increas-
ing attention to those at very advanced ages [11] and in
recent years, there has been increasing interest in issues
relating to health of the elderly in the Caribbean. Pat-
terns of mortality at the most advanced ages are of inter-
est in their own right, indicating variation in health status
and well-being among this group. Moreover, differences
in mortality and trends in them may give clues about the
likelihood of a further extension of life expectancy [12].
Rural populations in Caribbean countries generally
experience excessive deficiencies in health care access,
social services, and other goods and services needed for
healthy living. Rural residence has significantly influ-
enced health care access and health status. Urban resi-
dents consistently reported better health status than rural
residents and greater satisfaction with their health care
[13]. Rural residents are more often uninsured [14], have
greater distance to travel for their health care needs [13],
and are more often plagued by resource inaccessibility
[15]. Using poverty to proxy resource inadequacies wh-
ich increased inaccessibility, in 2007; rural poverty was
2.5 times more than urban poverty (i.e. 6.2%) and 3.8
times more than urban poverty (i.e. 4.0%) [16,17]. Rural
residents in Jamaica are poor and a greater proportion of
them reported having chronic illnesses, with an even
smaller population having insurance of any kind (7.6%
in rural areas versus 25.0% in urban areas) [16].
While national averages provide insights into the ine-
qualities in the nation, the current study on a sub-popu-
lation provides health policy practitioners with a com-
prehensive understanding of the issues experienced by
elderly Jamaicans particularly public health problems
that presently exist in this population. Among these is the
fact that rural and peri-urban residents spent 11 and 14
times more days experiencing illnesses than urban resi-
dents. Another public health problem is the percentage of
elderly population with chronic illness compared to the
general population. Statistics revealed that 12% of Ja-
maicans had diabetes mellitus; 22.4% had hypertension
and 8.8% had rheumatoid arthritis [17]. However, the
prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the elderly was 2.1
times more than the general population. Similarly, the
prevalence of hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis in
elderly Jamaicans were 1.9 and 2.1 times respectively
more than in the general population. The public health
problem also includes reasons why some elderly are un-
able to seek care despite health care being free for this
group (since 2006). Of those who did not seek medical
care, 18% indicated that they could not afford it and 38%
reported that they were not ill enough (i.e. after self-as-
sessment of health and image of health care). Hence, the
aims of the study were to 1) examine the health status of
elderly Jamaicans in rural, peri-urban and urban areas of
residence; 2) establish a model to predict the social de-
terminants of poor health status of elderly Jamaicans who
have reported at least one chronic disease, and 3) provide
information that could assist health care professionals to
specifically and adequately address the health needs of
the elderly in Jamaica.
The current study used cross-sectional survey data col-
lected by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) and
the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) [17] be-
tween May and August 2007. The sample for this study
was 287 individuals who indicated having being diag-
nosed with a chronic illness and who are older than 60
years. The study was extracted from a larger nationally
representative cross-sectional survey of 6,783 Jamaicans.
The survey was drawn using stratified random sampling.
This design was a two-stage stratified random sampling
design where there was a Primary Sampling Unit (PSU)
and a selection of dwellings from the primary units. The
PSU is an Enumeration District (ED), which constitutes
of a minimum of 100 dwellings in rural areas and 150 in
urban areas. An ED is an independent geographic unit
that shares a common boundary. This means that the
country was grouped into strata of equal size based on
dwellings (EDs). Based on the PSUs, a listing of all the
dwellings was made, and this became the sampling
frame from which a Master Sample of dwelling was
compiled, which in turn provided the sampling frame for
the labour force. One third of the 2007 Labour Force
Survey (LFS) was selected for the Jamaican Survey of
Living Conditions (JSLC, 2007) [17]. The sample was
weighted to reflect the population of the nation.
The researchers chose this survey based on the fact
that it is the latest survey on the national population and
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
that it has data on the health status of Jamaicans. A
self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the
data, which were stored and analyzed using SPSS for
Windows 16.0 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, IL, USA). The ques-
tionnaire was modeled from the World Banks Living
Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) household sur-
vey. There are some modifications to the LSMS, as
JSLC is more focused on policy impacts. The question-
naire covered areas such as socio-demographic, eco-
nomic and health variables. The non-response rate for
the survey was 26.2%.
Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation
(SD), frequency and percentage were used to analyze the
socio-demographic characteristics of the sample. Chi-
square was used to examine the association between
non-metric variables, and an Analysis of Variance (AN-
OVA) was used to test the relationships between metric
and non-dichotomous categorical variables. Logistic
regression examined the relationship between the de-
pendent variable and some predisposed independent
(explanatory) variables, because the dependent variable
was a binary one (health status: 1 if reported poor health
status and 0 if otherwise).
The results were presented using unstandardized
B-coefficients, Wald statistics, Odds ratio and confi-
dence interval (95% CI). The predictive power of the
model was tested using the Omnibus Test of Model and
Hosmer and Lemeshow [18] was used to examine
goodness of fit of the model. The correlation matrix was
examined in order to ascertain whether autocorrelation
(or multicollinearity) existed between variables. Based
on Cohen and Holliday [19] correlation can be low
(weak)from 0 to 0.39, moderate0.4-0.69, and strong
0.7-1.0. This was used to exclude (or allow) a variable
in the model. Wald statistics were used to determine the
magnitude (or contribution) of each statistically signifi-
cant variable in comparison with the others, and the Od-
ds Ratio (OR) for the interpreting of each significant va-
Multivariate regression framework was utilized to as-
sess the relative importance of various demographic,
socio-economic characteristics, physical environment
and psychological characteristics, in determining the
health status of Jamaicans; and this has also been em-
ployed outside of Jamaica. This approach allowed for
the analysis of a number of variables simultaneously.
Secondly, the dependent variable is a binary dichoto-
mous one and this statistic technique has been utilized in
the past to do similar studies. Having identified the de-
terminants of health status from previous studies, using
logistic regression techniques, final models were built
for Jamaicans as well as for each of the geographical
sub-regions (rural, peri-urban and urban areas) and sex
of respondents using only those predictors that inde-
pendently predict the outcome. A p-value of 0.05 was
used to for all tests of significance.
2.1. Model
The use of multivariate analysis in the study of health
and subjective wellbeing (i.e. self-reported health or
happiness) is well established [20,21] and this is equally
the case in Jamaica and Barbados [22,23]. The current
study will employ multivariate analyses in the study of
health status of elderly Jamaicans with diagnosed
chronic medical conditions. The use of this approach is
better than bivariate analyses as many variables can be
tested simultaneously for their impact (if any) on a de-
pendent variable.
The current study seeks to examine the social deter-
minants of poor health status of old Jamaicans who re-
ported having at least one chronic medical condition
Ht = f(Ai, Gi, ARi, FCi, NFCi, MRi, Si, HIi, CRi, MCt, SAi,
εi) (1)
where Ht
(self-rated current health status in time t) is a
function of age of respondents, Ai ; sex of individual i,
Gi; area of residence, ARi; food consumption per person
per household member, FCi; non-food consumption per
person per household member, NFCi; marital status of
person i, MRi; social class of person i, Si
; health insur-
ance coverage of person i, HIi; crowding of individual i,
CRi; medical expenditure of individual i in time period t,
MCt; social assistance of individual i, SAi and an error
term (ie. residual error).
2.2. Measure
Age is a continuous variable which is the number of
years alive since birth (using last birthday). Age group is
a non-binary measure: young-old (ages 60 to 74 years);
old-old (ages 75 to 84 years) and oldest-old (ages 85
years and older).
Elderly denotes the chronological age of 60 years and
beyond. Self-reported illness (or self-reported dysfunc-
tion): The question was asked: Is this a diagnosed re-
curring illness? The answering options were: Yes, cold;
Yes, diarrhoea; Yes, asthma; Yes, diabetes mellitus; Yes,
hypertension; Yes, arthritis; Yes, Other; and No. A binary
vari- able was later created from this construct (1 = yes,
0 = otherwise) in order to use in the logistic regression.
Health status: How is your health in general? And
the options were very good; good; fair; poor and very
poor. For this study the construct was categorized into 3
groups with (i) good; (ii) fair, and (iii) poor. A binary
variable was later created from this variable (1 = good
and fair 0 = otherwise).
Social class: This variable was measured based on in-
come quintile: The upper classes were those in the weal-
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of sample.
Variable Frequency Percent
Men 110 38.3
Women 177 61.7
Diagnosed chronic medical condition
Diabetes mellitus 73 25.4
Hypertension 124 43.2
Arthritis 38 13.2
Other (unspecified) 52 18.2
Health care-seeking behavior
Sought care 201 70.8
Did not seek care 83 29.2
Why didnt you seek care
Could not afford it 14 17.7
Was not ill enough 29 36.7
Preferred home remedies 11 13.9
Didnt have time to go 6 7.6
Unspecified 19 24.1
Purchased medication
Prescribed medicine 198 72.0
Partial prescription 8 2.9
Prescribed/over the counter 6 2.2
Over counter 6 2.2
Prescribed, but did not buy 9 3.3
No 48 17.4
Health insurance coverage
Private 23 8.0
Public 72 25.2
No 191 66.8
Health status
Good 49 17.1
Fair 136 47.4
Poor 102 35.5
Area of residence
Urban 76 26.5
Other town 55 19.1
Rural 156 54.4
Social class
Poor 114 39.7
Middle 62 21.6
Wealthy 111 38.7
Household head
No 85 29.6
Yes 202 70.2
thy quintiles (quintiles 4 and 5); middle class was quintile
3 and poor those in lower quintiles (quintiles 1 and 2).
3.1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics
The sample was 287 elderly respondents (38.3% of men
and 61.7% of women), with 57.1% young-old; 33.1%
old-old and 9.8% oldest-old. Seventy percent of the
sample was head of household; 35.5% had poor health
status; 70.8% sought health care; 72.0% purchased the
prescribed medication; 33.2% had public health insur-
ance coverage; 39.7% were poor; 26.5% lived in urban
areas, 19.2% in other towns and 54.4% in rural areas
(Table 1). Majority (43.2%) of the sample reported hy-
pertension; 25.4% diabetes mellitus; 13.2% rheumatoid
arthritis and 18.2% unspecified the type of chronic ill-
ness that they were diagnosed with (Table 1). Approxi-
mately eighteen percent of those who indicated that they
did not seek care indicated that they could not afford it;
36.7% indicated that they were not ill enough; 13.9%
reported that they use home remedy.
3.2. Bivariate Analyses
There was no statistical correlation between health status
and self-reported dysfunction (χ2 = 1.810, P = 0.404, n=
286) (Table 2). Based on Table 2, only 35.4% of those
who indicated that they had at least one chronic medical
condition reported poor health status. Table 3 revealed a
statistical relation between health status and area of
Table 2. Health status by self-reported dysfunction.
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Self-reported Dysfunction
Health status
n (%) Yes
n (%)
n (%)
Good 0 (0.0) 49 (17.2) 49 (17.1)
Fair 0 (0.0) 135 (47.4) 135 (47.2)
Poor 1 (100.0)
101 (35.4) 102 (35.7)
Total 1 285 286
χ2 (df = 2) = 1.810, P = 0.404, n = 286
Table 3. Health status by area of residence.
Area of residence Total
status Urban
town Rural
Good 16
(21.1) 11 (20.0)
(14.1) 49 (17.1)
Fair 42
(55.3) 29 (52.7)
(41.7) 136 (47.4)
Poor 18
(23.7) 15 (27.3)
(44.2) 102 (35.5)
Total 76 55 156 287
χ2 (df = 4) = 11.569, P = 0.021, n=287
Table 4. Diagnosed chronic medical condition by area of residence.
Area of residence Total
Diagnosed chronic medical condition Urban Other town Rural
Diabetes mellitus 25 (32.9) 17 (30.9) 31 (19.9) 73 (25.4)
Hypertension 25 (32.9) 22 (40.0) 77 (49.4) 124 (43.2)
Rheumatoid arthritis 9 (11.8) 5 (9.1) 24 (15.4) 38 (13.2)
Other (unspecified) 17 (22.4) 11 (20.0) 24 (15.4) 52 (18.1)
Total 76 55 156 287
χ2 (df = 6) = 10.455, P = 0.107, n=287
Table 5. Self-reported chronic medical condition by social class.
Social Class
Self-reported chronic medical condition Poor Middle class
Upper class Total
Diabetes mellitus 21 (18.4) 11(17.7) 41 (36.9) 73 (25.4)
Hypertension 55 (48.2) 32 (51.6) 37 (33.3) 124(43.2)
Rheumatoid arthritis 19 (16.7) 8 (12.9) 11 (9.9) 38 (13.2)
Other (unspecified) 19 (16.7) 11 (17.7) 22 (19.8) 52 (18.1)
Total 114 62 111 287
χ2 (df = 6) = 15.870, P = 0.014, n=287
residence [χ2 (df = 4) = 11.569, P = 0.021, n = 287]. Ru-
ral residents reported the highest poor health status
(44.2%) compared to other town (27.3%) and urban area
residents (23.7%). On the other hand, greatest good heal-
th status was reported by urban residents (21.1%), com-
pared with other town (20.0%) and rural area residents
(14.1%) (Table 3). No statistical association was found
between diagnosed chronic medical condition and area
of residence [χ2 (df = 6) = 10.455, P = 0.107, n = 287]
(Table 4).
A statistical correlation was found between self-re-
ported chronic medical condition and social class [χ2 (df
= 6) = 15.870, P = 0.014, n = 287]. The wealthy was
most likely to have diabetes mellitus (36.9%) while the
poor (48.2%) and the middle class (51.6%) were mostly
likely to indicated hypertension. Approximately ten per-
cent of the wealthy had arthritis compared to 12.9% of
middle class and 16.7% of poor (Table 5).
The mean number of day reported to have illness was
71.6 days (SD = 185.1, 95% CI = 49.1 94.2 days). Ur-
ban dwellers reported the least number of days in illness
(mean = 7.5 days, SD=10.96, 95% CI = 4.7 10.2 days)
compared to other town residents (mean = 98 days, SD =
216.4, 95% CI = 38.3 157.6 days) and rural residents
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 6. Annual consumption expenditure, length of illness, total medical expenditure, public medical expenditure, private
medical expenditure by area of residence.
Variable Area of residence n Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence
Annual consump-
tion expenditure* Urban 76 8711.95 6761.20 716695 - 10256.95
Other Town 55 7388.90 5271.25 5963.88 - 8813.91
Rural 156 5445.09 4470.72 4738.01 - 6152.17
Total 287 6682.69 5485.63 6045.34 - 7320.03
††Length of illness
Urban 64 7.45 10.96 4.72 - 10.19
(days) Other Town 53 97.98 216.44 38.32 - 157.64
Rural 143 90.55 206.90 56.35 - 124.76
Total 260 71.61 185.10 49.01 - 94.22
†††Number of visit
to health care practi-
tioner Urban 55 1.65 1.58 1.23 - 2.08
Other town 39 1.21 .61 1.01 - 1.40
Rural 101 1.42 .85 1.25 - 1.58
Total 195 1.44 1.08 1.29 - 1.59
††††Medical expen-
diture* Urban 57 1481.58 1988.75 953.89 - 2009.27
Other town 39 1817.95 2377.57 1047.23 - 2588.67
Rural 103 1805.34 5154.02 798.04 - 2812.64
Total 199 1715.07 3988.73 1157.48 - 2272.67
F statistic [2,284] = 10.248, P < 0.001; †† F statistic [2,257] = 5.031, P = 0.006; ††† F statistic [2,192] = 2.057, P = 0.131; †††† F statistic
[2,196] = 0.136, P = 0.001
Table 7. Logistic regression: Predictors of poor health status of those diagnosed with chronic medical condition.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error
Wald statistic
Odds ratio 95.0% C.I.
Middle class 0.647 0.527 1.507 1.909 0.680 - 5.360
Upper class 0.427 0.639 0.446 1.533 0.438 - 5.366
Man 0.765 0.386 3.937* 1.000
2.150 1.009 - 4.578
Urban areas -0.314 0.439 0.512 0.730 0.309 - 1.727
Other towns -0.449 0.466 0.931 0.638 0.256 - 1.589
rural areas
Social assistance (1=yes) -0.112 0.461 0.059 1.000
0.894 0.362 - 2.207
Crowding 0.173 0.119 2.124 1.189 0.942 - 1.499
Age 0.033 0.022 2.182 1.033 0.989 - 1.079
Married 0.257 0.403 0.406 1.293 0.587 - 2.847
Divorced, separated or widowed 0.629 0.461 1.858 1.875 0.759 - 4.628
Never married
Non-food consumption 0.000 0.000 0.017 1.000
1.000 1.000 - 1.000
Food consumption 0.000 0.000 4.088* 1.000 1.000 - 1.000
Health insurance (1=yes) 0.390 0.382 1.039 1.476 0.698 - 3.123
χ2 (df = 13) = 20.249, P < 0.001; n = 285
-2 Log likelihood = 238.17
Nagelkerke R2 =0.115
Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit χ2=7.565, P = 0.477
Overall correct classification = 83.5%
Correct classification of cases of self-rated poor health status = 99.2%
Correct classification of cases of self-rated good health status = 6.3%
Reference group
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
(mean = 90.6 days, SD = 206.9, 95% CI = 56.4 124.8
days) - F statistic [2,257] = 5.031, p = 0.006. This was
similar for medical health care expenditure - F statistic
[2,196] = 0.136, P = 0.001. The mean amount spent on
medical care for urban residents was US $21.85 com-
pared to US $26.12 for other town residents and US
$26.81 for rural respondents. On the other hand, there
was a statistical difference between annual consumption
expenditure and area of residence - F statistic [2,284] =
10.248, P < 0.001. The mean annual amount spent by
urban dwellers was US $8, 711.95 than other town
dwellers US $7, 388.90 and rural residents US $5,
445.09 (Table 6).
3.3. Multivariate Analyses
The socio-demographic determinants of poor health sta-
tus of those who indicated being diagnosed with chronic
illness were sex of respondents (OR = 2.15, 95% CI =
1.009 4.578) and food consumption (OR = 1.00, 95%
CI = 1.00 1.00) (Table 7). Elderly men who revealed
that they were diagnosed with chronic illness were 2.15
times more likely to indicated poor health than elderly
women (Table 7).
The current revealed that 43 out of every 100 elderly
Jamaican who reported chronic illness had hypertension,
25 in every 100 had diabetes mellitus and 13 in every
100 had rheumatoid arthritis. Thirty-five in every 100
indicated poor self-reported health status; 70 out of
every 100 were household heads; 29 out of every 100
did not seek care and of those who did not seek care
37% indicated that they were not ill enough to visit a
medical practitioner or health facility. Rural residents
had greatest percentage with hypertension (49.4%) and
rheumatoid arthritis (15.4%) compared to other area of
residents. However, urban residents had the greatest
percent of diabetes mellitus (32.9%) compared to
peri-urban (30.9%) and rural residents (19.9%). Upper
class people recorded the most diabetes mellitus cases
(37%) compared to the poor (18%) and the middle class
(18%). Middle class however recorded the most hyper-
tensive cases (52%) compared to the poor (48%) and the
wealthy (33%). Concurrently, the poor recorded the most
rheumatoid arthritis cases (17%) compared to the middle
class (13%) and the wealthy (10%). Only sex and food
consumption were found to be correlated with
self-reported health status. Older men self-reported
health status was almost 2.2 times more than that for
older women, and those who consumed more food re-
corded better health status. Furthermore, the duration of
illness (in days) for rural residents was 12 times more
than that for urban residents and their medical expendi-
ture was 1.2 times more than that of those in urban areas.
Concurrently, periurban residents spent 13 times more
days in illness than urban residents and spent 1.2 times
more on medical expenditure.
Self-reported health status has been widely used in
censuses, surveys, and observational studies and there is
evidence suggesting that self-reported health is an indi-
cator of general health with good construct validity [24]
and is a respectably powerful predictor of mortality risks
[25], disability [26] and morbidity [27]. The results of
this study showed that the majority of those sampled re-
ported themselves to be experiencing good or fair health,
while approximately one-third indicated poor health. Th-
ese results concur with those by other researchers from
Dominica [28] and Trinidad [29]. In a recent island wide
survey of persons aged 65 years and older conducted in
Trinidad in 2002, 44% reported their health as fairly good
or good. In reviews of the literature, Benyamini & Idler
[30] and Idler & Benyamini [25], showed that in most
studies conducted since the 1980s, the elderly people
who self-rated their health as bad presented greater inci-
dence of death than did those who considered it to be
excellent. Among elderly people, self-rated health may
present greater sensitivity for men than for women. Since
women live longer than men and experience more years
with diseases and incapacities, they tend to rate their
health more negatively than do men, but do not necessar-
ily die because of this, over the short term. Thus, negative
self-rated health expressed by women may be more asso-
ciated with quality of life. On the other hand, when men
rate their health negatively, they present a greater risk of
succumbing to a fatal event [31].
There has been a general epidemiological shift from
infectious to chronic diseases and the elderly are one of
the main at risk groups. In this study, just over one-third
of the respondents who reported poor health indicated
that they had at least one chronic disease. This is less
than the 80% reported in a study in Trinidad [29]. The
main chronic illnesses reported by the respondents in
this study were hypertension, diabetes mellitus and
rheumatoid arthritis. This is in keeping with the study by
Rawlins et al. [29] and other Caribbean studies on this
age group [32,33]. Furthermore, a study conducted on
elderly Jamaicans showed that this age cohort was
mainly affected by chronic non-communicable diseases
[34]. The most common chronic diseases identified
among the elderly in Jamaica are hypertension, arthritis,
diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular arrest, stroke and can-
cer. Patients in the 60 and over age groups accounted for
37.2% and 41.1%, respectively, of new hypertensive and
diabetic cases [35]. Some gender differences have been
reported in respect of chronic illnesses with women at
greater risk for hypertension and men cardiovascular
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
diseases [36]. Furthermore, in 1991, cardiovascular dis-
eases followed by diabetes mellitus and neoplasms were
the diseases for which Jamaicans 65 years older were
most often hospitalized [37].
Data for the Caribbean showed that hypertension and
rheumatoid arthritis are morbidities that significantly
affect both men and women [38]. The current study re-
vealed that hypertension was the leading cause of illness
among older and oldest elderly in Jamaica, followed by
diabetes mellitus, and rheumatoid arthritis, which concurs
somewhat with a past study [39] that had hypertension as
the leading cause of morbidity of the elderly, followed by
rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus. In another
reported study, the most common chronic diseases identi-
fied among the elderly were hypertension, rheumatoid
arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular arrest, stroke
and cancer [35]. Some gender differences have been re-
ported in respect of chronic illnesses with women at
greater risk for hypertension and men cardiovascular
diseases [36]. In a recent study by Bourne, 1.4 times
more women had diabetes mellitus than men and this was
the same for hypertensive older and oldest elderly Ja-
maicans [39]. On the other hand, there were 1.6 times
more old and oldest elderly Jamaican men with
self-reported rheumatoid arthritis than women [39]. Th-
ese chronic non-communicable diseases continue to in-
terface within the functional lives of the elderly, which
means that they are indeed living longer but are faced
with lower levels of good health than young adults (ages
15 to 29 years) and middle-aged adults (ages 30 to 59
years). According to the JSLC there has been significant
increase in illness/injury among older persons since 1997
[40]. Data from the 2002 survey indicate that 34.6 per-
cent of the elderly population surveyed, reported an ill-
ness or injury during the four-week reference period [41].
Hypertension is one of the most important treatable
causes of morbidity and mortality and accounts for a
large proportion of cardiovascular diseases in elderly in
Jamaica [42]. It is known to be a major risk factor for the
development of diabetic renal disease, and hyperglycae-
mia also has a role in the development of diabetic neph-
ropathy [43]. Studies from developed countries have
reported prevalence of raised blood pressure among eld-
erly to vary from 60% to 80% [44]. Furthermore, diabe-
tes mellitus is one of the leading causes of morbidity and
mortality among persons aged 65 and older [45]. About
20% of persons in this age group are estimated to have
diabetes mellitus, with another 25% in pre-diabetic
stages [46]. Moreover, because diabetes can be asymp-
tomatic for many years, about 50% of older individuals
with diabetes are thought to be undiagnosed [47]. In
Jamaica, diabetes-related deaths in 1994 had increased
147% over the 1980 level and represented the third
leading cause of loss of years of potential life among
women and tenth among men [48]. There is evidence
that this is due to the low rates of awareness, treatment
and control among patients with hypertension and dia-
betes [49,50].
One of the silent illnesses which emerged from the
current study is unspecified health conditions. Eight out
of every 100 elderly Jamaicans who reported a chronic
illness stipulated unspecified conditions. Based on cau-
ses of mortality and morbidity statistics in Jamaica, the
other includes heart diseases; malignant neoplasm of the
prostate; malignant neoplasm of the breast; and malig-
nant neoplasm of the trachea, bronchus [51,52]. Statis-
tics revealed that other heart diseases, malignant neo-
plasm of the breast, malignant neoplasm of the prostate
and malignant neoplasm of the trachea and bronchus are
among the 10 leading causes of mortality for males
and/or females [51]. The prevalence of diseases in this
category (i.e. unspecified condition) is greater than those
with rheumatoid arthritis, and statistics have showed
malignant neoplasm of the prostate is the 5
th leading
cause of mortality of male 50 years and older [52]. Heart
diseases and malignant neoplasm of the breast were the
6th and 7
th leading cause of death respectively among
females 50 years and older [52]. The unspecified health
conditions are therefore silent killer among the elderly
with chronic diseases.
Seventy-two percent of poverty lies in rural are com-
pared to 20% in urban and 9% in peri-urban area [17],
indicating that poverty is accounting for illnesses ex-
perienced by rural residents as well as the length of time
they spent in illness. The current study showed that
length of time spent in illnesses by rural residents was 12
times more than that for those in urban area, and so jus-
tifying why they spend 1.2 times more on medical care
compared to urban dwellers. The typology of illness that
is experienced by rural residents (i.e. hypertension) is
such that they require frequent visits to health care pro-
viders (i.e. doctors, nurses, pharmacists). Seemingly the
afore-mentioned should be the case, but we found that
there was no significant statistical difference between the
number of visits made to health care providers and area
of residents. Like those who were unable to attend health
care during the time of illness, they were either unable to
afford it (18%) or diagnosed themselves as being not ill
enough (37%). Inspite of this fact, 48% of the poor eld-
erly with chronic illnesses had hypertension and 18%
had diabetes mellitus, which are illness which require
treatment and cannot be left to prayer, faith or abstinence
from medical care.
Rural populations generally experience excessive de-
ficiencies in healthcare access, social services and other
goods and services needed for healthy living. Further-
more, 23% of people from rural Jamaica who reported
having a chronic medical condition were not actively
engaged in seeking health care because of affordability
issues, compared with 9.4% from urban areas. Urban
residents consistently reported better health status than
rural residents, and greater satisfaction with their health
P. A. Bourne et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 101-111
SciRes Copyright © 2010 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
care [53]. There was a statistical correlation between
good health status and area of residence, or self-reported
(chronic) recurring illness and age cohort. Furthermore,
the data showed that elderly Jamaicans who dwelled in
rural area had the lowest self-reported good health com-
pared to those who resided in other towns and urban
areas. Continuing, those who resided in urban residence
reported the greatest good health status. In 1997, statis-
tics from PIOJ and STATIN [54] revealed that 54.3 per-
cent of elderly (ages 60 years and over) lived in rural
areas. A study by Bourne [39] showed that approxi-
mately 7 out of every 10 old and oldest elderly in Ja-
maica lived in rural areas, compared to 6 out of 10 for
those 60 years and older of the population. In addition,
20 out of every 100 Jamaicans were below the poverty
line, compared to 25 out of every 100 in rural Jamaica.
Given that the elderly substantially lived in rural areas
and that poverty for this group was 10.2 percent [55], it
is not surprising that the elderly in this area of residence
had a lower level of good health status than the urban
elderly in Jamaica.
The wealthiest in the society are expected to experi-
ence better health due to their knowledge of health risks
and their access to the resources necessary to avoid such
risks and treat emerging health conditions [56]. But with
increasing wealth and development these has been an
increase in chronic disease as lifestyle changes have had a
negative impact. The studies found that there were large
gaps between the mean amounts of money spend by ur-
ban residents compared with their rural counterparts.
Furthermore, the elderly who are wealthy were more
likely to have diabetes mellitus while the poor and the
middle class were more likely to report hypertension.
This suggests the consumption patterns of the wealthy
contribute to ill-health. Thus whereas the poor become ill
due to their inability to access their basic human rights,
the rich become ill as a result of their harmful consump-
tion patterns. According to Sobal and Stunkard [57], in
developing societies there is a higher likelihood of obe-
sity among men in higher socioeconomic strata. These
men are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
mellitus [58] which is increasing in the adult population.
Among the demographic correlates of health is the cost
of medical care. It is established that medical care [20]
and cost of medical care [21] are among the social de-
terminants of health.
The general epidemiological shift from infectious to
chronic non-communicable diseases in Jamaica puts the
elderly at risk. Majority of the respondents in the sample
had good or fair health, and those with poor health status
were more likely to report having hypertension followed
by diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis. Poor health
status was more prevalent among those of lower eco-
nomic status in rural areas who reported the greatest
number of sick days of illness and medical health care
expenditure. The prevalence of chronic diseases and lev-
els of disability in older people can be reduced with ap-
propriate health promotion and strategies to prevent
non-communicable diseases. This research provides
valuable information on health status and the non-comm-
unicable diseases which affect the elderly in Jamaica, and
particular socioeconomic group respond being diagnosed
with particular chronic illnesses. These findings can as-
sist health care professionals to specifically and adequ-
ately address the health needs of the elderly in Jamaica.
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