J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2010, 3, 85-94
doi:10.4236/jbise.2010.31013 Published Online January 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jbise/
Published Online January 2010 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/jbise
Cepstral and linear prediction techniques for improving
intelligibility and audibility of impaired speech
G. Ravindran1, S. Shenbagadevi2, V. Salai Selvam3
1Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India;
2Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India;
3Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sriram Engineering College, Perumalpattu, India.
Email: vsalaiselvam@yahoo.com
Received 30 October 2009; revised 20 November 2009; accepted 25 November 2009.
Human speech becomes impaired i.e., unintelligible
due to a variety of reasons that can be either neuro-
logical or anatomical. The objective of the research
was to improve the intelligibility and audibility of the
impaired speech that resulted from a disabled human
speech mechanism with impairment in the acoustic
system-the supra-laryngeal vocal tract. For this pur-
pose three methods are presented in this paper.
Method 1 was to develop an inverse model of the
speech degradation using the Cepstral technique.
Method 2 was to replace the degraded vocal tract
response by a normal vocal tract response using the
Cepstral technique. Method 3 was to replace the de-
graded vocal tract response by a normal vocal tract
response using the Linear Prediction technique.
Keywords: Impaired Speech; Speech Disability;
Cepstrum; LPC; Vocal Tract
Speech impairments or disorders refer to difficulties in
producing speech sounds with voice quality [1]. Thus
impaired speech is the speech sound that lacks in voice
quality. Speech becomes impaired due to a variety of
reasons that can be either neurological e.g., aphasia &
dysarthria or anatomical e.g., cleft lip & cleft palate [1].
The speech impairment is generally categorized into
Articulation impairment e.g., omissions, substitutions or
distortions of sounds, Voice impairment e.g., inappropri-
ate pitch, loudness or voice quality Fluency impairment
e.g., abnormal rate of speaking, speech interruptions or
repetition of sounds, words, phrases or sentences inter-
fering effective communication, Language impairment
e.g., phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic or
pragmatic use of oral language [2].
The most commonly used techniques to help people
with speech impairments are training programmes by
speech therapists at home or at hospitals or at a combi-
nation of these, sign language like Makaton and elec-
tronic aids like text-to-speech conversion unit.
1.1. General Properties of Speech
Though non-stationary the speech signal can be consid-
ered as stationary over short periods typically 10-50
msec [3,4,5]. Effective bandwidth of speech is 4-7 kHz
[4,5]. The elementary linguistic unit of speech is called a
phoneme and its acoustic realization is called a phone
[7]. A phoneme is classified as either a vowel or a con-
sonant [3,4,5]. The duration of a vowel does not change
much and is 70 ms on an average while that of a conso-
nant varies from 5 to 130 ms [3].
1.2. Speech Production
The diaphragm forces air through the system and the
voluntary movements of anatomical structures of this
system shape a wide variety of waveforms broadly clas-
sified into voiced & unvoiced speech [5]. This is de-
picted in Figure 1.
With voiced speech, the air from the lungs is forced
through the glottis (opening between the vocal cords)
and the tension of the vocal cords is adjusted so that they
vibrate at a frequency, known as pitch frequency, which
depends on the shape and size of the vocal cords, result-
ing in a quasi-periodic train of air pulses that excites the
resonances of the rest of the vocal tract. The voluntary
movements of the muscles of this vocal tract change its
shape and hence resonant frequencies, known as for-
mants, producing different quasi-periodic sounds [7].
Figure 2 shows a sample of voiced speech segment
and its spectrum with formant peaks.
With unvoiced speech, the air from the lungs is forced
through the glottis and the tension of the vocal cords is
adjusted so that they do not vibrate, resulting in a noise-
like turbulence that excites normally a constriction
86 G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Figure 1. Block diagram of human speech production.
Figure 2. Voiced speech segment and its spectrum exhibiting four resonan
frequencies called ‘formants’.
Figure 3. Unvoiced speech segment and its spectrum.
G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Random noise with
zero mean (white noise)
Linear Filter H(z)
representing vocal
Impulse train
Figure 4. Source-filter model of a human speech mechanism.
(k) s
DFT Complex exp IDFT
(k) s
Normal speech segment
DFT Complex log IDFT
Figure 5. (a) Complex cepstrum and (b) its inverse (after Oppenheim &Schafer).
in the rest of the vocal tract. Depending on the shape and
size of the constriction different noise-like sounds are
Figure 3 shows a sample of unvoiced speech segment
and its spectrum with no dominant peaks.
Thus a speech signal can be supposed to be a convo-
lution of two signals: 1) a quasi-periodic pulse-like (for
voiced speech) or a noise-like (for unvoiced speech)
glottal excitation signal generated by a combination of
lungs and vocal cords and 2) a system response repre-
sented by the shape of the rest of the vocal tract [4].
The excitation signal generally exhibits the speaker
characteristics such as pitch and loudness while the vo-
cal tract response determines the sound produced [5].
1.3. Source-Filter Model of Human Speech
A speech signal, s(n) is convolution of a fast varying
glottal excitation signal, e(n) and a slowly varying vocal
tract response, v(n) i.e., s(n)=e(n)*v(n). For a voiced
speech, e(n) is a quasi-periodic waveform and v(n) is a
combined effect of the glottal wave shape, the vocal tract
impulse response and the lip radiation impulse response
while for an unvoiced speech, e(n) is a random noise and
v(n) is a combined effect of the vocal tract impulse re-
sponse and the lip radiation impulse response [4].
A human speech mechanism thus can be viewed as a
source capable of generating a periodic impulse train at
pitch frequency for voiced speech or a white noise for
unvoiced speech followed by a linear filter having an
impulse response that represents the shape of the vocal
tract [4]. This is depicted in Figure 4.
1.4. Speech Processing Techniques
1.4.1. Cepstral Technique
Complex cepstrum: The complex cepstrum s(n)
of a
signal is defined as the inverse Fourier transform
of the logarithm of the signal spectrum [8].
S(e )
s(n) (12π)logS(e|)e
where is the Fourier transform of . Com-
putation of complex cepstrum requires phase unwrap-
ping, which is difficult due to some theoretical and prac-
tical reasons [8]. This is depicted in Figure 5 (a) & (b).
S(e )s(n)
88 G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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DFT log|.| IDFT
(k) S
DFT log|.| IDFT
Figure 6. (a) Real cepstrum and (b) its inverse (after Oppenheim & Schafer). Cepstral domain is known as
quefrency (coined from ‘frequency’) domain [8].
Real cepstrum: The real cepstrum sr
/(n) of a signal s(n)
is defined as the inverse Fourier transform of the loga-
rithm of the signal magnitude spectrum |S(ej)| [8].
where S(ej) is the Fourier transform of s(n).
Real cepstrum is not invertible but provides a mini-
mum phase reconstruction of the signal [8]. This is de-
picted in Figure 6 (a) and (b).
Since speech is convolution of a fast varying glottal
excitation signal, e(n) and a slowly varying vocal tract
response, h(n), the cepstrum of a speech segment con-
sists of the glottal excitation signal that occupies the low
quefrency region and the vocal tract response that occu-
pies the high quefrency region [8].
Since the phase information is not as much important
as the magnitude information in a speech spectrum, the
real cepstrum is used due to its computational easiness
The first M samples where M is the number of chan-
nels allotted to specifying spectral envelope information
[9], typically first 2.5 ms to 5 ms duration, of the cep-
strum of a speech segment represent the vocal tract re-
sponse while the remaining samples represent the glottal
excitation signal.
A simple windowing process using a rectangular
window separates the vocal tract response from the glot-
tal excitation signal in the quefrency domain.
The inverse process of cepstrum involving exponen-
tiation obtains these signals in time domain.
1.4.2. Linear Prediction Technique
Linear prediction technique is a system modeling tech-
nique that models the vocal tract response in a given
speech segment as an all-pole linear filter with transfer
function of the form
H(z)= --------------------------
where G is dc gain of the filter, p is the order of the filter,
ap(k), k=1,2,...p are the filter coefficients, leaving out the
glottal excitation as the residual of the process [4]. Thus
the LP technique separates the vocal tract response from
the glottal excitation.
The various formulations of linear prediction tech-
nique are 1) the covariance method 2) the autocorrela-
tion method 3) the lattice method 4) the inverse filter
formulation 5) the spectral estimation formulation 6) the
maximum likelihood formulation and 7) the inner prod-
uct formulation [4,14].
In this paper the filter coefficients and the dc gain
were estimated from speech samples via the autocorrela-
tion method by solving the so-called Yule-Walker equa-
tions with the help of Levinson-Durbin recursive algo-
rithm [11,14].
Adult subjects, 52 subjects (11 females and 41 males)
with distorted sound, 41 subjects (3 females and 38 males)
with prolonged sound, 12 subjects (all males) with stam-
mering, 9 subjects (1 female and 8 males) with omissions
and 5 (all males) with substitutions were selected. They
were asked to spell the phonemes “a” as in “male”, “ee”
as in “speech”, “p” as “pet”, “aa” as in “Bob” and “o” as
in “boat”. These speech signals were recorded using a
Pentium-IV computer with 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD,
PC-based microphone, 16-bit sound card, and free audio
recording and editing software at a sampling rate of 8
KHz. These signals hereafter will be referred to as
G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Source e(n)
(lungs+vocal cards)
Filter h(n)
(normal vocal tract
Normal speech segment
Figure 7. Source-filter model of a normal human speech mechanism.
Source e(n)
(lungs+vocal cards)
Filter h
(degraded vocal
tract response)
Degraded speech segment
Figure 8. Source-filter model of a degraded human speech mechanism.
Degraded speech segment
Normal speech segment
Filter h(n)
(normal vocal
tract response)
system g(n)
Source e(n)
(lungs+vocal card)
Figure 9. Source-filter model of a degraded human speech mechanism with degradation as separate system.
Cepstrum of normal speech
segment s/(n)=e/(n)+ h /(n) (/ means
Normal speech segment
Real Cepstrum
Figure 10. Cepstrum of normal speech segment.
Cepstrum of degraded speech
segment s
(n)= e
(n ) +h
means cepstrum
Degraded speech segment
Real Cepstrum
Figure 11. Cepstrum of degraded speech segment.
Degraded speech
Inverse model of
Restored speech
Figure 12. Restoring normal speech segment from degraded speech segment via inverse model of degradation.
90 G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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impaired speech signals or utterances in the text.
Same number (119) of normal subjects of similar age
and sex were selected and asked to spell the same set of
phonemes. These signals were recorded under similar
conditions and will hereafter be referred to as normal
speech signals or utterances in the text.
These signals were then lowpass-filtered to 4 KHz to
avoid any spectral leakage.
The arithmetic mean of each filtered signal was sub-
tracted from it in order to remove the DC offset, an arti-
fact of the recording process [12].
The speech portion of each speech signal was ex-
tracted from its background using an endpoint detection
algorithm explained in [13].
Three methods were developed, all being based on the
source-filter model of the human speech mechanism.
The first two methods were based on the cepstral tech-
nique and the third method was based on the Linear Pre-
diction Coding (LPC) technique. In all these three
method, the speech was assumed to be the linear convo-
lution of the slowly varying vocal tract response, and the
fast varying glottal excitation [4,5,8,9].
3.1. Method 1
This method was based on the following facts: 1) Though
non-stationary, speech signal can be considered as sta-
tionary for a short period of 20-40 ms [3,4], 2) Speech is
a convolution of two signals: the glottal excitation signal
and the vocal tract response [4], 3) The excitation signal
generally exhibits the speaker characteristics such as
pitch and loudness while the vocal tract response deter-
mines the sound produced [5] and 4) Cepstrum trans-
forms a convolution process into an addition process [8].
1) and 2) make the short-term analysis of speech sig-
nal possible and model a normal human speech mecha-
nism as a linear filter excited by a source as shown in
Figure 7.
Similarly a disabled human speech mechanism with
an impaired vocal tract is modeled as shown in Figure 8.
If the degraded vocal tract is modeled as the normal
vocal tract followed by a degrading system, then the
above source-filter model can be equivalently repre-
sented as shown in Figure 9.
As suggested by 4), the cepstrum of normal speech
segment would be the addition of the cepstrum of nor-
mal vocal tract response and the cepstrum of excitation
as shown in Figure 10.
Similarly for an impaired speech segment the cepstral
deconvolution of degraded speech segment is shown in
Figure 11.
As suggested by 3), if the speech segment, in both
cases, represents a similar sound unit (e.g., a similar
phoneme), then the hd
/(n) can be represented in term of
h/(n) from Figure 9 to Figure 11 as follows
/(n)=h/(n) +g/(n)
Subtraction of the cepstrum of normal vocal tract from
the cepstrum of degraded vocal tract for a similar sound
unit yields the cepstrum of degradation as follows
The inverse cepstrum of g/(n) yields the degradation
in time domain, g(n). The inverse model of g(n) is ob-
tained as the reciprocal of autoregressive or all-pole
model of g(n) obtained via the Levinson-Durbin algo-
The speech segment is restored by passing the de-
graded speech segment through the inverse model of the
degradation as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 13 shows a complete block diagram represen-
tation of the entire method of restoring the speech via the
inverse model of the degradation.
3.2. Method 2
Method 2 was based on the same set of facts as Method
1. In this method, the degraded vocal tract response, hd(n)
for a particular phoneme from a disabled speech mecha-
nism is replaced by the normal vocal tract response, h(n)
for the same phoneme from a normal speech mechanism.
The extraction of the vocal tract responses and recon-
structing the speech of improved intelligibility and audi-
bility is done using cepstral technique. The cepstrum of a
speech segment consists of the glottal excitation signal
that occupies the low quefrency region and the vocal
tract response that occupies the high quefrency region
[8]. The first M samples where M is the number of
channels allotted to specifying spectral envelope infor-
mation [9], typically first 2.5 ms to 5 ms duration, of the
cepstrum of a speech segment represent the vocal tract
response while the remaining samples represent the
glottal excitation signal. A simple windowing process
using a rectangular window separates the vocal tract
response from the glottal excitation signal in the que-
frency domain [8].
The block diagram representation of the second
method has been shown in Figure 14.
3.3. Method 3
Method 3 was based on the following facts: 1), 2) and 3)
were the same and 4) A speech segment of short duration,
e.g., 10-40 ms can be effectively represented by an
all-pole filter of order p [14], which is often chosen to be
at least 2*f*l/c where f is the sampling frequency, l is the
vocal tract length and c is the speed of sound [7,14]. For
a typical male utterance with l=17 cm and c=340 m/s,
p=f/1000. These filter coefficients were estimated
through linear predictive analysis for a speech segment
of short duration, e.g., 10-40 ms. The excitation signal is
G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Restored speech segment
Cepstrum of normal vocal
tract response
Cepstrum of normal vocal
tract response h
Cepstrum of normal speech
segment s
(n )+h
means cepstrum)
Normal speech segment
Real Cepstrum
Short pass
Cepstrum of degraded speech
Degraded speech segment
Cepstrum of degradation
Inverse model of
degradation g(n)
Real Cepstrum
Short pass
Figure 13. Block diagram representation of Method 1.
obtained either by passing the speech segment through
this filter or by synthesizing with estimated pitch period,
gain and voicing decision for that segment [14,4]. Here
the former is utilized. Thus the linear predictive analysis
splits a speech segment into excitation and vocal tract
response [14,4].
The first two assumptions make the short-term analy-
sis of speech signal possible and model both the normal
and disabled human speech mechanisms as described for
Method 1 & 2.
As suggested by 4), both the normal and impaired
speech can be split into excitation and vocal tract re-
As suggested by 3), the LP coefficients of the normal
speech segment in the place of those of the impaired
speech segment are used while the excitation is obtained
either from the LP residual for the impaired speech seg-
ment or from synthesis from pitch period, gain and
voicing decision estimated from the impaired speech
segment. Here the former is utilized
Here the degraded vocal tract response, hd(n) for a
particular phoneme from a disabled speech mechanism,
obtained via the LPC technique, is replaced by the nor-
mal vocal tract response, h(n) for the same phoneme
from a normal speech mechanism obtained via the LPC
The glottal excitation from the degraded (impaired)
speech is obtained via the LPC technique as the linear
prediction residual [14,4].
The block diagram representation of the method has
been depicted in Figure 15.
In all three methods, the speech portions from both the
normal and degraded phonemes were extracted using the
algorithm in [13] and the normal utterance was time-
scaled to match the length of the impaired utterance us-
ing the modified phase vocoder [15]. Then each utter-
92 G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Restored speech
segment s
Cepstrum of degraded speech
segment s
means cepstrum)
Cepstrum of normal speech
segment s
means cepstrum)
Short pass
Cepstrum of normal vocal
tract response h
Long pass
lifter Cepstrum
of excitation
Figure 14. Block diagram representation of Method 2.
Linear Predictive
LP coefficients
Linear Predictive
LP coefficients LP residual
Figure 15. Block diagram representation of Method 3.
ance was segmented into short frames of 20 msec dura-
tion overlapping by 5 msec.
In Method 1 & 2, both the frames were preemphasised
to cancel the spectral contributions of the larynx and the
lips to the speech signal using H(z) = 1z1 with =
0.95 [7,12]. Then the cepstra of both the frames were
computed [8,9].
In Method 1, the first 40 samples of the cepstrum of
the normal speech frame were subtracted from those of
the cepstrum of the degraded speech frame to extract the
cepstrum of the degrading function. The inverse cep-
strum of the resultant yielded the degrading function
which was then modeled as an all-pole filter. The inverse
of the model was then used to restore the speech.
In Method 2, the first 40 samples of the cepstrum of
the degraded speech frame were replaced by those of the
cepstrum of the normal speech frame.
In Method 3, after segmentation, the frames were
preemphasised and their autocorrelations were computed.
The resultant autocorrelations were used to compute the
LPC coefficients using Levinson-Durbin recursive algo-
rithm. Then the LPC coefficients computed from the
degraded speech frame and the frame itself were used to
compute the LPC residues. These LPC residues and The
LPC coefficients computed from the normal speech
frame were used to synthesize the restores speech frame.
G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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All the above steps were repeated for all frames and
for all phonemes. MATLAB 7 was used for program-
ming purposes.
The main advantage of these three methods was that the
restored speech had the speaker characteristics since the
excitation from the distorted sound was used for restora-
tion as the excitation (the glottal impulse) exhibits
mainly the speaker characteristics while the vocal tract
response (the articulation) gives rise to various phonetic
All the three methods worked acceptably well with
certain articulation impairment such as distorted sound
& prolonged sound.
All the three methods suffered from a basic problem,
the phonetic mismatching. That is, the process of
matching the respective phonemes in the normal and
impaired utterances lacks the accuracy due to the fact
that the duration of a phoneme in a syllable or a word
from two different speakers may not be equal and also
its articulation and temporal-spectral shape varies with
respect to the preceding and succeeding phones. More-
over, the dynamic time warping techniques used to
match two similar time-series may not be used to match
the normal and the distorted strings, though they are the
same utterances, since they are not ‘similar’, one being
normal and the other, distorted.
All the three methods did not suit for all the speech
impairments. For example they did not help solving cer-
tain common impairments such as stammering, omis-
sions, substitutions.
Method 1 & 2 suffered from the fact that the real cep-
strum is not invertible; only a minimum phase recon-
struction is possible. The phase information was lost.
Method 1 suffered from the problem of extracting the
degradation exactly since the vocal tract response for a
phoneme independently obtained from two speakers do
not match sample vice. Hence subtracting the first 25
samples of the cepstrum (representing the normal vocal
tract response) of normal speech segment from those
(representing the degraded vocal tract response) of im-
paired speech segment may not exactly give the degra-
dation in the vocal tract response of the impaired subject.
The LP coefficients do not represent the vocal tract
response independently of speakers. Hence the restored
sound possessed the quality of both of the speakers, the
normal and the problem but more towards the problem
speaker and less towards the normal speaker.
In order to assess the result of the above experiments,
one thousand observers (500 females and 500 males) of
different age group varying from 20 to 40 were selected
and requested to listen to the degraded, normal and re-
Table 1. Votes of favour for subjects with dis-
torted sound: Total No. of Votes=521000.
Bad Good Excellent
“a” in “male” 2080 46904 3016
“ee” in “speech” 1976 46956 3068
“p” in “pet” 5304 46644 156
“aa” in “Bob” 1144 49452 1404
“o” in “boat” 520 50076 1404
Table 2. Votes of favour for subjects with pro-
longed sound: Total No. of Votes=411000.
Bad Good Excellent
“a” in “male” 820 39360 820
“ee” in “speech” 2747 37761 492
“p” in “pet” 6150 34850 0
“aa” in “Bob” 2132 37392 1517
“o” in “boat” 369 39360 1271
Table 3. Votes of favour for subjects with stam-
mering: Total No. of Votes=121000.
Bad Good Excellent
“a” in “male” 9612 1800 588
“ee” in “speech” 9612 1800 588
“p” in “pet” 11856 144 0
“aa” in “Bob” 10680 1200 120
“o” in “boat” 1200 10800 -
Table 4. Votes of favour for subjects with omis-
sions: Total No. of Votes=91000.
Bad Good Excellent
“a” in “male” 8982 18 -
“ee” in “speech” 8955 45 -
“p” in “pet” 9000 - -
“aa” in “Bob” 8982 18 -
“o” in “boat” - - -
94 G. Ravindran et al. / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 85-94
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Table 5. Votes of favour for subjects with substitu-
tions: Total No. of Votes=51000.
[2] (2002) Department of Education, Special education pro-
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[3] Shuzo, S. and Kazuo, N. (1985) Fundamental of Speech
Signal Processing. Academic Press, London.
BadGood Excellent
“a” in “male” 5000- -
“ee” in “speech” 5000- -
“p” in “pet” 5000- -
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stored phonemes and to rate them as bad, good or excel-
lent in terms of their intelligibility and audibility. The
votes obtained in favour was tabulated as shown in Ta-
bles 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.
[8] Oppenheim, A.V. and Schafer, R.W. (1992) dis-
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The future development of this research work, thus, will
be focused on developing 1) a formant-based technique
and 2) a homomorphic prediction-based technique with
complex cepstrum since real cepstrum lacks in phase
information [8,9] and on developing a system for con-
tinuous speech i.e., words and sentences. For a real-time
continuous speech processing, use of dedicated digital
signal processor could be an opt suggestion.
[11] Proakis, J. G. and Manolakis, D. G. (2000) Digital Signal
Processing, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
[12] Tony, R. (1998) Speech Analysis Lent Term.
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[14] Makhoul, J. (1975) Linear prediction: a tutorial review,
Proc. IEEE, 63, 561-580.
[15] Jean, L. and Mark, D. (1999) New phase-vocoder tech-
niques for pitch-shifting, harmonizing and other exotic
effects, Proc. IEEE WASPAA.
[1] (2004) NICHCY disability fact sheet., Speech & Lan-
guage Impairments. NICHCY. 11.