American Journal of Computational Mathematics
Vol.04 No.02(2014), Article ID:43953,7 pages

Numerical solutions of second Order initial value Problems of Bratu-Type via optimal homotopy Asymptotic Method

Mohamed Abdalla Darwish, Bothayna S. Kashkari

Department of Mathematics, Sciences Faculty for Girls, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA


Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Received 26 December 2013; revised 26 January 2014; accepted 1 February 2014


We present the optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM) to find the numerical solution of the second order initial value problems of Bratu-type. We solve some examples to illustrate the validity and efficiency of the method.


Initial-value Problem; Bratu; Numerical solution; optimal Homotopy Asymptotic method

1. Introduction

Herişanu et al. [1] proposed a new technique called the optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM). The main advantage of OHAM is that it is reliable and straight forward. Also, the OHAM does not need to worry about curves as homotopy asymptotic method (HAM). Moreover, the OHAM provides controls the convergence of the series solution and its solution agrees with the exact one at large domains, for more infor- mation see [2] - [6] .

On the other hand, the standard Bratu problem is used in a large variety of applications, such as the fuel ignition model of the theory of thermal combustion, the thermal reaction process model, the Chandrasekhar model of the expansion of the universe, radiative heat transfer, nanotechnology and theory of chemical reaction, for more information see [7] [8] and references therein.

The Bratu initial value problems have been studied extensively because of its mathematical and physical properties. In [9] , Batiha studied a numerical solution of Bratu-type equations by the variational iteration method; Feng et al. [10] considered Bratu’s problems by means of modified homotopy perturbation method; Rashidinia et al. [11] applied Sinc-Galerkin method for numerical solution of the Bratu’s problems; Syam and Hamdan [12] used variational iteration method for numerical solutions of the Bratu-type problems; Wazwaz [13] applied Adomian decomposition method to study the Bratu-type equations.

The main goal of this paper is to extend OHAM method to solve the initial value problems of second order differential equations of Bratu-type. The OHAM is very useful to get an approximate solution of the initial value problems of second order differential equations of Bratu-type. Our numerical examples of OHAM are compared with exact ones.

2. Analysis of OHAM

In this section we start by describing the basic formulation of OHAM, see for example [1] [3] - [5] . Consider the boundary value problem


where is a given function and is an unknown function. Here, , and represent a linear operator, a nonlinear operator and a boundary operator, respectively.

By means of OHAM one constructs a homotopy, which satisfies the following fa- mily of equations


where is an embedding parameter, is a non-zero auxiliary function for and. It is easy to see that when and we have and, respectively, where is obtained from (2.2) for


Therefore, the unknown function goes from to as changes from to.

In the sequel, we choose auxiliary function in the form


where, , are constants to be determined.

In order to obtain an approximate solution, we expand, , in the form of Taylor’s series about as


Now, substituting by Equation (2.5) into Equation (2.2) and equating the coefficients of like powers of in the resulting equation, we obtain the governing problem of, given by Equation (2.3). In addition, the governing problems of and are given in the forms




respectively. Also, the general governing problems of are given by


where is the coefficient of in the expansion of about the embedding parameter:


where, , is given by Equation (2.5).

Observe that the convergence of the series (2.5) depends upon the auxiliary constants,. If the series (2.5) converges when, one has


The m-th order approximations are given by


By substituting Equation (2.11) into Equation (2.1), we get the following expression for residual


If, then will be the exact solution and this, in general, does not happen especially in nonlinear problems. In order to find the optimal values of, , we apply the method of least squares as under


where and are numbers properly chosen in the domain of the problem. Next, minimizing with

After knowing those constants, the approximate solution of order is well determined.

3. Numerical Examples

Example 1 Consider the second order initial value problem of Bratu type


The initial value problem (3.1) has as the exact solution.

Next, we apply the OHAM method to the initial value problem (3.1). We have

, and. Therefore, according to the OHAM method,

we have

Problem of zero order:


which has a solution.

Problem of first order:


Problem (3.3) has a solution


The problem of second order


The solution of Problem (3.5) is given by


Third order problem is


and its solution is given in the form


Finally, fourth order problem is


which has a solution in the form


Now, by using equations (3.4), (3.6), (3.8) and (3.10), the fourth order approximate solution, using OHAM with, is given by


Next, we follow the procedure presented in Section 2, we obtain the following values of’s:

, , and (table 1).

Table 1. Absolute error between the exact solution and approximation solution.

Example 2 In this example, let us consider the Bratu initial value problem


which has

exact solution.

Now, we apply the OHAM method presented in previous section. In this example, we have

, and. Now,

Problem of zero order:


Problem (3.13) has a solution.

Problem of first order:


The solution of Problem (3.14) is given by


The problem of second order


and its solution is given by


Third order problem is


The solution of Problem (3.18) is given by


In the end, the fourth order problem is given by


which has a solution in the form

Table 2. Absolute error between the exact solution and approximation solution.


Now, by using equations (3.4), (3.6), (3.8) and (3.10), the fourth order approximate solution, using OHAM with, is given by


Next, we follow the procedure presented in Section 0.2, we obtain the following values of’s:

, , and (table 2).

4. Final Remarks

Throughout this paper, an technique for obtaining a numerical solution for second order initial value problems of Bratu-type, is optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM). The main advantage of the used technique is achieving high accurate approximate solutions. In the numerical tables and graphics, our numerical results are compared with the exact ones.

Cite this paper

Mohamed AbdallaDarwish,Bothayna S.Kashkari, (2014) Numerical solutions of second order initial value problems of Bratu-type via optimal homotopy asymptotic method. American Journal of Computational Mathematics,04,47-54. doi: 10.4236/ajcm.2014.42005


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